Safety check before operating
Padholder :
Verify if the padholder is of the correct size and that it’s drive face is not
Ensure that the pad is of the correct size and type for the cleaning task in hand and
if it’s clean and in good condition.
ensure that the brush is clean, in good condition and match the requirement of
the job.
Accessory assembly
Always first disconnect the appliance. Place the handle in the vertical position, place a foot
on the transport wheel and tilt the unit backwards until it rests on the handle.
Place the pad holder or the brush attachment in the drive mechanism and lock it into
position by turning anticlockwise
Return the machine to its upright position.
Correct working position
Unlock the handle locking device (3), adjust the handle into a comfortable working
position : your back is straight and your arms are slightly bent at the elbows. Lock the
Power cord plugged in, handle in the correct working position, you can now start the
appliance pushing first the security catch (1) inwards, pull up the lever (2) on the same
side. The appliance immediately starts working.
This position has to be maintained throughout the job.
By releasing the lever (2), the appliance stops working.
Speed selection
Pushing the button (7) on the rear of the handle, the model starts running at double speed.
Before using this device, ensure that a pad proper to a rotation speed of 308 rpm is used.
Once switched off, the machine when starting up, will always start at low speed.
Switch on the machine, holding firmly the handle. Once turning, make small up- and
downward movements with the handle to move the machine. Lowering the handle
slightly : the machine will move to the left; raising it slightly will move the machine to the
Warning :
these movements have to be delicate : the more you lower or raise, the faster
the machine will turn, in case you loose control, release the levers, the machine will stop
The same principle is valid both for low and high speed. In case of high speed pay more
attention to the up and downward movements as the high speed increases the difficulty.
To keep the machine turning on the same place, keep the handle in neutral position.
, don’t let it turn too long on the same place as it may damage the floor.
Fill the tank with a solution of water and a neutral no-foam detergent. Pulling on the left
lever, dosing lever (4), you can distribute the solution with the necessary quantity to cover
the floor in a correct way.