PeakStore5 Manual Version 3.0
If a configuration of type balancing is selected, the measurement view for the balancing pro-
cess is shown. The usual sensor overview from the vibration measurement is replaced by an
assistant driven overview for the balancing process. The pages for time signals (see 6.2.3),
online spectra (see 6.2.4) and characteristic values (see 6.2.5) are identical to the vibration
The balancing process is done in multiple stages. At first an origin measurement is done to
determine the initial imbalance of the machine. Afterwards a test measurement with a test
mass is required to calibrate the system. If the balancing is configured for two layers, a second
test measurement on the second layer is required. Afterwards up to 5 validation measurements
will follow where balancing masses are applied to the layers to reduce the initial imbalance.
Generally, each measurement consists of a preparation phase, the actual measurement and
an acknowledgment of the current measurement. If a misconfiguration was done, the current
step can be cancelled at any time to go back to the last step. During the measurement phase,
the PeakStore will wait until the speed is in a valid range and then start the actual measure-
ment. If the speed changes during the measurement to an invalid range, the measurement is
stopped immediately. The speed must be in the valid range to automatically restart the meas-
The main results of the balancing process are aggregated in a polar view and can be shown
at any time of the measurement.
Picture 22: Polar view of two-layer balancing
A protocol of the whole balancing process is shown and saved after the balancing process is