Pos: null /BA_Module_Manuell/Allgemeine_Module/Sicherheitskapitel_Symbolerklärung_neueModulvorlage @ 64\mod_1605525028523_28.docx @ 1718464 @ 12 @ 1
Safety-relevant chapter
Explanation of symbols
The following symbols are used in these installation instructions:
Safety note:
Non-compliance will result in death or severe injury.
Safety note:
Non-compliance can result in death or severe injury.
Safety note:
Non-compliance can result in injury.
Non-compliance can result in material damage and impairment of product functionality.
Points out useful additional information.
Pos: null /BA_Module/BA_EA Sicherheitskapitel/01_Bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung/Sicherheitskapitel_bestgemVerwendung_01_FS @ 55\mod_1593588620465_28.docx @ 1681720 @ 2 @ 1
Specified use
The drive unit is intended for vertically moving doors for the protection against fire and smoke. The doors close
by gravity in the case of a fire.
Pos: null /BA_Module/BA_EA Sicherheitskapitel/01_Bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung/Sicherheitskapitel_bestgemVerwendung_02_allgemein_nichtATEX @ 55\mod_1593584398854_28.docx @ 1681224 @ @ 1
The drive unit must be protected against moisture and aggressive environmental conditions (such as corrosive
substances). The drive units are only suitable for indoor use. Appropriate protective measures must be taken for
outdoor installation. The drive unit is not intended for hazardous areas. The values specified in the technical
data of the drive unit must not be exceeded. The safe operation can only be ensured if used as specified.
Pos: null /BA_Module_Manuell/Allgemeine_Module/Sicherheitskapitel_ZielgruppeGfA_neueFormatvorlage @ 61\mod_1602588992679_28.docx @ 1708568 @ 2 @ 1
Target audience of the installation instructions
These installation instructions are intended for competent personnel trained in handling doors. Competent
personnel qualify by specialist knowledge, skills and practical experience. Such personnel can safely carry out
installation, maintenance and modernisation as instructed.
Pos: null /BA_Module/BA_EA Sicherheitskapitel/03_Betriebssicherheit/Sicherheitskapitel_Betriebssicherheit @ 62\mod_1603958969193_28.docx @ 1711534 @ @ 1
Safe operation
The safe operation of the product can only be ensured if it is used as specified. Follow the installation
instructions. Observe all specifications, especially warnings, when installing the product in the overall system.
GfA is not liable for damage resulting from non-observance of the installation instructions. The resulting overall
system must be reassessed for its safety in accordance with applicable standards and directives (e.g. CE
marking). These installation instructions refer only to a part of the overall system and are not sufficient as the
sole instructions for the overall system. The installer of the system must prepare the instructions for the overall
system. We recommend entering the danger area of the system only when the drive unit is at a standstill.
Pos: null /BA_Module/BA_Seitenumbruch @ 0\mod_1190719383361_0.docx @ 550 @ @ 1