The relay unit can be programmed by the GewaLink channels 00-61, 63-127 and
coded channels (4096). There are four different ways to program the relay unit.
The first alternative is most frequently used.
Alt. 1 Programming ”On/Off” by the same button on the
Press the programming button representing the outlets you want to control on
the relay unit and press, at the same time, any button on the IR transmitter until
the relay clicks 2 (3) times.
Alt. 2 Programming ”On/Off” with two different buttons on
the transmitter
Press the programming button representing the outlets you want to control on
the relay unit and press, at the same time, any button on the IR transmitter until
the relay clicks 2 (3) times, change to another button (”Off”) on the IR
transmitter until the relay clicks 2+2 times.
Alt. 3 Programming ”On/Off” with one and the same button
and another button for ”Off” on the transmitter
This method makes it possible to switch on/off each outlet and switch off all
outlets in the same room simultaneously. By this procedure ”Off” has to be
programmed on all outlets with the same channel.
Press the programming button for the outlets you want to control on the relay
unit and press at the same time any button on the IR transmitter until the relay
clicks 2 (3) times. Change to another button (“Off”) on the IR transmitter until
the relay clicks 2 times. Then program the next outlet with another channel but
with the same channel used for “Off”.
Alt. 4 Programming Monostable Function
By this procedure power is supplied as long as the button on the transmitter is
pressed. When the button is released the current supply stops.
Press the programming button for the outlets you want to control on the relay
unit and press at the same time any button the IR transmitter until the relay
clicks 2 (3) + 2 times.