Common cleaning methods
Regular cleaning
Use tap water only
Cleaning method:
1. Put the items to be cleaned inside the basket and put the basket
inside the tank.
2. Add water to the cleaning tank to a level between "MIN" and "MAX" lines
and above the area to be cleaned.
3. Press On/Off button to start cleaning.
During cleaning, dirt will come off like smoke and the water will beco-
me murky over time. When "smoke" stops coming, the cleaning is basically
Edhanced cleaning
Add appropriate cleaning solutions to water
Cleaning solution can be added to enhance cleaning. Typical mixing ratio
may be one part of solution to ten parts of water. Once it is done, run it with
water only for another 90 seconds to remove residual cleaning solution.
Partial cleaning
For longer items
If an item is too long to fit in the tank completely, it can be cleaned partially
for one end first then turn it around to clean the other end.
Sharp items should be placed inside the basket to protect the tank
from being scratched.