Standalone HVAC Room Energy Sensor
1. After wiring connection is completed, ensure the jumper JP7 is placed at “TEST” mode. Replace and fasten the
front cover with the locking screw.
Whenever power is applied on the GH-MS1, please wait for about 25 seconds for sensor to warm-up. During
warm-up period, the buzzer will sound beep-beep (each beep lasts 1 second). Both LED and relay will be activated.
The activated GH-MS1 means the HVAC unit will NOT operate due to its fail-safe design.
2. When warm-up period expires, the buzzer stops sounding, LED lights off, but relay will still be active.
3. DOOR SENSOR TEST - Open the door, the buzzer should sound constantly until the door is closed.
If the buzzer does not sound while door is opened, check the door switch and ensure correct wiring connection
between door switch and GH-MS1.
4. SLAVE SENSOR TEST - If NO slave sensor is installed, please skip this test. The detection of slave sensor
should be tested after the door switch function is tested okay. Walk across in the room of slave sensor installed,
the LED of slave sensor will light on whenever it detects the movement. The buzzer of GH-MS1 will sound one
long beep (1 sec.) and - one short beep (0.2 sec.) when slave sensor is activated.
If the buzzer does not sound when slave sensor detects the movement but the LED of slave sensor is working,
check the wiring between slave sensor and GH-MS1.
5. MASTER SENSOR TEST – Walk across in the room of master sensor installed. The LED will light on and the
buzzer will sound beep-beep (0.2 sec.) whenever master sensor detects the movement. The HVAC unit will
operate at least 30 seconds for every detection.
If no further movement is detected within 30 seconds after the last detection, the HVAC unit will stop operating.
After the system operation test completed, ensure to place the jumper JP7 to “NORMAL” position for normal
operation of the system. The normal operation of GH-800 is quite sophisticated. Many different operation modes
and statuses are carefully managed and controlled by the microprocessor. Various modes and statuses are
described as follow:-
Standby Mode
If the room is vacant, the system will enter into “standby” mode after the warm-up time expires. Under standby
mode, the HVAC unit will not operate.
Temp-control Status
While room is unoccupied, the temperature sensor of GH-MS1 will measure the room temperature every 5 minutes.
When room temperature goes higher or lower than the high/low setting, the HVAC unit will automatically operate
until the room temperature goes back to the set range. Once the room temperature returns to the set range, the
system will return to “standby” mode. This function will only operate if jumper heads are set in place and HVAC unit
is “ON”.
Occupied Mode
If master or any slave sensor detects the movement during standby mode, the system will enter into “occupied”
mode. Under the “occupied” mode, the hotel guests can manage or set the room temperature via the HVAC wall
unit according to their preference.
Door-open Status
Whenever the door is opened, the system will detect it and enter into “door-open” status. The HVAC unit will
operate and LED will flash for 10 seconds. The LED flash is to indicate that the system function is normal. If the
door is left open for more than 5 minutes, the system will shut off the HVAC unit until the door is closed.
Delay Status
Once the door is closed, the system will enter into “delay” status. During this 10-second period, the system will
remain as its original mode.
Waiting Mode
The system will enter into “Waiting” mode after the second delay status expires. If master or any slave sensor
detects the movement during waiting mode, the system will enter into “occupied” mode. If no movement is detected
within 5 minutes, then system will enter into “standby” mode.
System Testing
System Operation