This slender and fragrant strain of
rice has an al dente texture and an
ivory colour. Thai rice is grown in the
northeastern region of Thailand, and
has a natural hint of jasmine.
Japanese rice has a pearly round
shape and has a rich and sweet
texture. This strain of rice is rich in
protein and unsaturated fat. A bowl
derived from Japanese rice is slightly
sticky without being overwhelmingly
The northeastern part of China is es-
pecially suited for the growth of rice
for the region experiences huge diur-
nal temperature variation. Chinese
rice has a round shape and is abun-
dant in water content. The cooked
rice is deliciously translucent with a
delicate texture.
Thai rice
Japanese rice
Chinese rice
9 Innovative Rice Cooking Modes
1:1 Golden Ratio
For Chinese, Japanese, Thai Rice Grains For
Different Palates
There are many different strains of rice. They can be roughly divided into long and short
grain rice. The long grain rice is slenderer in shape, and is generally less sticky than the
short grain variant. Thai fragrant rice is a type of long grain rice. Short grain rice is typified
by Japanese and Chinese rice, both of which are stout and has a softer texture. Long grain
rice and short grain rice require different cooking conditions for bringing out the best flavour
and texture. The Multifunctional Rice Cooker has
9 built-in cooking modes that target
the specific property of each kind of rice. Now, with the 1:1 golden rationdelicate, al
dente, and hard tasting rice is available at the touch of a button with a cup of rice &
Feature of Multifunctional Rice Cooker
9 Modes: