Instructions for Use
Diffustik / Variant PFTstik
Serial no.: xx|8|401|yyy and 2401xxxxx
Page 86
Version: 8 | Release date: 16. August 2021
In order to ensure environmentally friendly disposal, please
contact the authorised specialist retail partner where you
purchased Diffustik resp. the variant PFTstik and / or the
Infectious / Contaminated Single Use Items
All contaminated items such as single use flow sensors, filters,
mouthpieces and noseclips must be disposed of trough the
hospital or medical practice waste.
Possible severe physical injuries.
Reason: Contamination with transferable germs
during improper disposal. Therefore:
Dispose single use items (disposable flow
sensors, mouthpieces and noseclips) after
each use. For this observe the applicable
regulatory requirements for biologically
hazardous materials!
Observe regulations on wearing personal
protective equipment (PPE)!