Instructions for Use
Serial no.: 2011xxxxx
Version: 4 | Release date: 14. July 2021
Page 49
Interference Resistance for all ME Systems Guideline and
Manufacturer Declaration
Guidelines and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic interference immunity
The Safestik is determined for operation in an electromagnetic environment as specified below.
The user / operator of the Safestik should ensure that it is operated in this environment.
Measurement of
interference immunity
IEC 60601 – test
Compliance level
Electromagnetic environment
– Guideline
Electrostatic discharge
(ESD) according to
IEC 61000-4-2
±8 kV contact
±15 kV air
±8 kV contact
±15 kV air
Floors should be made of
wood, concrete or ceramic
tiles. If the floor is covered
with synthetic material, the
relative humidity must be at
least 30 %.
Magnetic field at the
supply frequency
(50/60 Hz)
to IEC 61000-4-8
30 A/m
30 A/m
Magnetic fields at the mains
frequency should
correspond to the typical
values as found in the
business and hospital