Mark2 Manuals
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Warning, disclaimer:
CAUTION:This radio controlled RC Quadcopter is not a toy
This product is for a radio controlled (RC) quadcopter. Improper operation,maintenance or
assembly can potentially cause a RC quadcopter to pose a danger to persons or objects including
but not limited to the possibility of causing serious physical injury an even death
Moving components can present a hazard to opertors,and anyone or anything that could be in the
flying area of the RC Quadcopter.
Under no circumstance should a minor be allowed to operate this RC Quadcopter without the
approval,monitor and direction of his parent or legal guardian who takes full responsibility for all of
the minor´s actions.
This product is intended for being operated by experienced mature RC Quadcopter pilots under
controlled safaty conditions and on locations properly authorized and setup for safe flying and away
from other people.
Do not operate an RC Quadcopter within the vicinity of electrical power lines during inclement
weather or near crowds of people
The manufacturer and/or its distributors assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any
damages including but not limited to ones generated by incidental or consequential damages.
The operator of the RC Quadcopter assumes all responsibility and liability that result from the
correct or incorrect operation of the RC Quadcopter.