For example: MOTION_2021-03-16-16-20-07-529_032.jpg
Txt file naming rule:
Event type_Year(4digits)-Month(2digits)-Day(2 digits)-Hour(2 digits)-Minute(2
digits)-Second(2 digits)-Millisecond(3 digits)_index(3digits).txt
TXT file content:
device name: xxx mac: device MAC address Event Type time:
For example: device name: IPC mac: 00-18-ae-a8-da-2a MOTION time: 2021-03-16 12:20:07
Correspondence between txt file and jpeg file: the index of the txt file and jpeg file will be
named as the same when the event is triggered each time.
5.5.12 HTTPS
HTTPs provides authentication of the web site and protects user privacy.
Go to Config
HTTPS as shown below.
There is a certificate installed by default as shown above. Enable this function and save it.
Then the camera can be accessed by entering https://IP: https port via the web browser (eg.
A private certificate can be created if users
don’t want to use the default one. Click “Delete” to
cancel the default certificate. Then the following interface will be displayed.
If there is a signed certificate, clic
k “Browse” to select it and then click “Install” to install it.