Please also note that the data logger internal time is
programmed into the data logger in the precise moment the
red LED blinks: what is written in CONTROL.TXT is what is
programmed when the led blink.
Detach the data logger to start the acquisition.
Close the waterproof cap making sure an uniform layer of
silicon grease has been placed all around the o-rings.
If the starting time is past the data logger will start
immediately, if the weekday is incorrect the logger will wait
indefinitely to start even if the starting time is past.
If you instead only wanted to stop the data logger then you
should have programmed the scan rate as: “
At scan time the red led will blink for an instant.
“SCAN RATE: @ms”
will set the logger to scan at
millisecond scan rate which needs to be set with a separate
command (please see the below millisecond scan rate
Downloading Data
Connect the data logger to any USB socket of a computer.
If the logger shows “
” that indicates it is still
waiting for the first scan.
Scan will stop and will be resumed once the data logger is
Copy the file DATALOGS.CSV from the disk drive to your
computer and open it with a text editor, or Open Office, or
Large files need more time to be copied please be patient, do
not overload the memory if not necessary.
Make sure the data has been actually copied onto your
computer hard disk before erasing the data logger memory.
Erasing memory
Connect the data logger to any USB socket of a computer.
Do not try to erase directly the file DATALOGS.CSV as it will
only be removed from the computer cache, not from the
memory of the data logger.
Open the file CONTROL.TXT with a text editor,
Geosignal XP 101K USB Data Logger
Copyright 2017-2018 all rights reserved