Remove all labels, tags and stickers attached to the body or cord.
1. Place the base stem through the container until the container rests
on the base.
2. Place the strainer on top of the container.
3. Choose a self reversing cone.
Important: If choosing the large self-reversing cone, place it on
top of the small self-reversing cone. Place the notches of the large
cone over the stirrers of the small cone and press to snap into
Note: Small cone is recommended for small fruits such as lemons
and large cone for larger fruits such as grapefruits.
4. Place the base stem through the cone until the cone rests on top
of the strainer.
Wash all parts as instructed in the CARE AND CLEANING
Assemble your juicer as instructed in the ASSEMBLING
YOUR JUICER section.
Unwrap the cord from the base.
Plug the cord into a standard electrical outlet.
Adjust pulp control to the desired amount of pulp.
Cut the fruit in half.
Place the cut side of the fruit on top of the self-reversing cone.
Using firm to moderate pressure, press down on the fruit to start
the juicing motion.
Release pressure to stop the self-reversing cone from rotating.
Important: The motor stops automatically when the pressure is
completely released.
Press down on the fruit again and the self-reversing cone will
start rotating in the opposite direction.
Note: Repeat last 3 steps several times for best juicing results .