4.1 Battery
The GK-401 uses one 12-volt rechargeable, lead acid type battery to run the Readout.
This battery has an extremely long shelf life and will lose approximately 2% of it’s
charge per month sitting on the shelf. At 60
F (15
C) the box will operate continuously
for a minimum of 20 hours; at -20
F (-30
C) this period is cut to less than 10 hours. At
higher temperatures the capacity goes up however, the useful service life decreases.
This battery can be expected to last 3 to 5 years, or between 250 and 500 discharge and
recharge cycles.
Recharging is accomplished by a charger which is included with each readout. Overnight
(10 to 12 hours) is usually long enough to bring the battery to full charge. The charger
can be left plugged in whenever the Readout is not is use (recommended) to ensure full
charge on the battery at all times. As the battery ages, the on-time will be reduced, and at
some point, will be very short and recharging will not help. At this point the battery will
need to be replaced. Battery packs are available from Geokon, or a battery can be
purchased locally (see Appendix A for battery specifications) and installed by the user
(see Appendix D for battery replacement instructions).
In cases where the battery will no longer operate in the field Geokon should be contacted
for remedial measures.
4.2 Readout System
If the readout system fails to operate properly, and the cause is not the battery, Geokon
should be contacted. The unit should not be opened in the field. A few checks can be
made, however:
If zeros appear in the display with gages connected, patch cords should be checked
for continuity between contacts and clip leads (see Appendix B).
The gage itself should be checked; see gage manual.
The processor may need to be reset, which can be accomplished by turning the unit
off and on.
The selector position may be incorrect (see Table 1).
Noise levels may be excessive; try reading a gage in a different area; try connecting
the ground lead (white or green clip) to the shield drain wire.
4.3 Calibration
The readout should be sent periodically (every 12 months) back to the manufacturer for
inspection, cleaning, and calibration. A nominal fee will be charged for the service, but it
is highly recommended.