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Fan-Tastic Vent®
Font: Gill Sans Bold
Point Size: 55
Leading: None
Tracking: Visual adjusted
Designer: Gordon H Martin Jr
Revised: 4/30/02
LA Images
How to
C e i l i n g F a n
Fan-Tastic Vent Model 4000,
Model 4000BT
This fan is not rain sensor equipped
Operating Instructions:
1. Open dome approximately 3 inches or more by turning the hand crank (Fan-Tastic
Vent has a built in safety switch that will not allow motor to operate unless dome is
partially open.)
2. Turn 3-speed knob to desired performance level (0-Off, 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High).
3. Slightly open a window of your choosing. The choice of window will determine how
the air is going to flow through the cabin. Maximum airflow will be achieved through
one slightly open window only.
4. BT Models are equipped with a built-in thermostat. ON is 22ºF (deep blue), OFF
is 123ºF (bright red). Select a setting somewhere in between for your comfort. Fan
blade will automatically turn on and off as your coach heats up and cools down. If fan
blade rapid cycles on/off, select a more extreme temperature setting to minimize.
You may use your Fan-Tastic Vent while driving or in windy
conditions. In this case keep your dome fully open. When storing your Motorhome,
lower your dome until it is completely closed and turn the 3 speed knob to 0-Off.
At 1/3 dome open, exhaust efficiency is reduced to 90%.
Fan-Tastic Vent does not recommend placing a vent cover over, or using a foam
filter on your Fan-Tastic Vent. This greatly restricts airflow, causing accumulation of
dust and increased sound levels.