3500W Propane Generator
2005 Model Year Certifcate of Conformity
• Manufacturer
: Jiangsu Jiandong Group Co. Ltd.
• Certificate Number
: JDG-NRSI-05-04
• Effective Date
: 12/09/2005
• Date Issued
: 12/09/2005
Merrylin Zaw-Mon, Director, Compliance and Innovation Strategies Division, Office of
Transportation and Air Quality.
Pursuant to Section 213 of Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. section 7547) and 40 CFR 90, and subject to
the terms and conditions prescribed in those provisions, this certificate of conformity is hereby
issued for the following small non-road engine family, more fully described in the documentation
required by 40 CFR 90 and produced in the stated model year.
This certificate of conformity covers only those new small non-road engines which conform in
all material respects to the design specifications described in the documentation required by 40
CFR 90 and which are produced during the model year stated on this certificate. This certificate
of conformity does not cover small non-road engines imported prior to the effective date of the
This certificate of conformity is conditional upon compliance of said manufacturer with the
averaging, banking, and trading provisions of 40 CFR Part 90, Subpart C both during and after
model year production. Failure to comply with these provisions may render this certificate void ab
initio. The HC + NOX family emission limit (FEL) is: g/k W-hr.
It is a term of this certificate that the manufacturer shall consent to all inspections described in
40 CFR 90.126 and 90.506 and authorized in a warrant or court order. Failure to comply with
the requirements of such a warrant or court order may lead to revocation or suspension of this
certificate for reasons specified in 40 CFR 90. It is also a term of this certifi cate that this certificate
may be revoked or suspended or rendered void ab initio for other reasons specified in 40 CFR 90.
This certificate does not cover small non-road engines sold, offered for sale, or introduced, or
delivered for introduction, into commerce in the U.S. prior to the effective date of the certificate.