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Carbon Monoxide

Carbon Monoxide

Using a generator indoors WILL KILL YOU IN MINUTES.

Generator exhaust contains high levels of carbon monoxide (CO), a poisonous 
gas you cannot see or smell. If you can smell the generator exhaust, you are 
breathing CO. But even If you cannot smell
the exhaust, you could be breathing CO.

· NEVER use a generator inside homes, garages, crawlspaces, or other partly 
enclosed areas. Deadly levels of carbon monoxide can build up in these areas. 
Using a fan or opening windows and doors does NOT supply enough fresh air.

· ONLY use a generator outdoors and far away from open windows, doors, and 
vents. These openings can pull in generator exhaust.

Even when you use a generator correctly, CO may leak into the home. ALWAYS 
use a battery-powered or battery-backup CO alarm in the home.

If you start to feel sick, dizzy, or weak after the generator has been running, 
move to fresh air RIGHT AWAY. See a doctor. You could have carbon monox-
ide poisoning.
