Copyright 2012, GenTent® Safety Canopies, LLC. All rights reserved. Nottingham, NH, USA.
-The Ridgid RD Series electrical panel is several inches inward from the horizontal frame members in the front of the
generator. The GenTent short skirt doesn’t quite have the length to provide enough protection around the sides due to these
protruding frame members. It is recommended to use the long skirts that come with your GenTent on the side of the GenTent
instead of the short skirt; this will provide plenty of protection from sideways precipitation (Fig D).
Fig. D
-The GenTent should be positioned with the refueling door over the right side of the Ridgid RD generator (when facing the
electrical panel). This keeps the operator from refueling the generator when standing over the hot muffler side of the
- As shown in the figures, the Ridgid RD series handles must be in a folded down position when using the GenTent. It is
recommended that the Ridgid be positioned outside prior to storm that may take out power, the handles folded forward, the
GenTent installed and generator connected. This way the generator is ready to stay dry and protected during the event.
Please note the GenTent Ridgid Extender and clamps can stay on at all times; the frame and canopy should be removed when
moving the generator