Problems and Solutions
there may be a conflict between the external COM
Port and an internal COM device. The problem occurs when devices try
to use the same COM Address. Typical conflicts occur with Internal
Modems, PDA software, PCMCIA cards, and Infrared ports. Tracking it
down can be difficult and may require some computer expertise.
Computers with an Infra Red Port
The infra red port often uses the same memory address as the COM
port. If the infra red port is active, it will not allow the COM port with the
keypad attached to function. Solution for Windows 95/98:
Open the Control Panel Icon
Open the System Icon
Select the Device Manager Tab
Double Click the Ports Icon
Double Click the Infra-Red Serial Port Icon (may be called IRDA
or IR Serial)
Select the General Tab
In the Device Usage paragraph, remove all checks if you are
using Windows 95A or Add a check to the "Disable in this
hardware profile" box if you are using Windows 95B or 98.
Close the Port Properties
Close the System Properties
Close the Control Panel
IBM Laptops (typically)
For some new computers, particularly IBM, the computer is shipped
from the factory with the COM port turned off. Solution for Windows
Click on ThinkPad (or your computer’s) Features
Disable the Infra-Red port
Enable the Serial Port