AOL Instant Messenger
You can download AOL Instant Messenger free at
and finish the registration, if you don’t have it.
Sign onto AOL Instant Messenger.
Click on “Show Messenger Lists” and choose the friend you want to start
with video chat with.
Your friend will then receive an invitation message. When your friend
confirms to talk, the video chat will start.
Please make sure you already installed the camera driver and connected
the camera to the computer before running video conferencing or video
chat programs.
Please make sure you close other webcam programs before running the
video conferencing or video chat program.
DDPlayCam Software (Windows Only)
DDPlayCam is an interactive multimedia software. It integrates the
most advanced virtual interactive technology: facial recognition and
motion tracking, with cartoon characters, figures and amazing visual
effects, allow you doing virtual role play, interacting with virtual
environment, morphying yourselves in real time.
DDPlayCam includes two parts: DD ThemeParty and DD ThemeParty
PrintCenter. DDPlayCam is for virtual role play. DD ThemeParty
PrintCenter is for arranging the pictures you take in DD ThemeParty
and printing them out.