The number of photos that can be captured not only depends on the SD card’s capacity but
also on the resolution selected. Better quality photos are taken at higher resolutions but these
will take up more memory on the card.
The following options are available to capture the best quality photos with your camcorder:
Capture Mode
You can include yourself in a photo by using this feature to delay the time between you pressing the
Shutter button and when the photo is actually taken. It is recommended that you use a tripod or place
the camcorder on a flat and sturdy surface when using the Capture Mode.
Press Mode button repeatedly to Camera mode.
Press the Menu button to open the Camera Menu.
Move down OK button to select Capture Mode.
Press OK button to enter the submenu.
Switch OK button (to upside or downside) to select the delay time appeared on the
screen :Single/2 S Timer/5 S Timer/10 S Timer
Press OK button to confirm and exit.
The Capture Mode icon selected will appear on the top of the LCD screen.
Press Shutter button and your camera will count down 2, 5 or 10 seconds as per your choice,
the LED will flash and then automatically take the photo.
The image size and quality settings determine the number of photos that can be saved and the amount
of memory required for each photo. The higher the quality of the photo the more memory it will take.
To set the resolution:
Press Mode button repeatedly to open Camera mode.
Press the Menu button to enter the camera menu.