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This Chapter provides details.on how to setup your network with the DRG700.
Now that your DRG700 is installed and connected to your PC, you will need to setup your devices.
This chapter describes the setup procedure for:
Internet Access
LAN configuration
Wireless setup
Change the
To configure these settings, you need to use the DRG700 configuration program.
Start the Configuration Program
The DRG700 contains an HTTP web server. This enables you to connect to the server and configure
the device using your web browser.
Your browser must support Javascript.
The configuration program has been tested on the following browsers:
Safari version 1.2 or later
Firefox version 2.0 or later
Internet Explorer version 7.0 or later
To establish a connection from your PC to the DRG700 webserver:
Start your WEB browser and go to:
The Login screen for the DRG700 Configuration Program will appear.