GXD8 Operational Manual
Rev 1.0
Front Panel Description
Genex Research Limited
Page 4
Front Panel Description
Panel Buttons
1. Mute
Mutes the digital audio output from the unit
2. Over Sensitivity
This button determines how many
consecutive maximum value sample will
trigger the “
” LED to light
Peak Delay
Sets the peak hold of the PPMs to either
on, delay (2 seconds) or off
Fine PPM
Changes the PPM mode to a scale of
±1dB centred around –12, -14, -16, -18
and –20dBFS to aid input level calibration
Clear Peak Hold
Clears any peak or over LEDs on the
PPMs that are lit
Selects between the following input
sources: AES, slot one (digital) and slot
two (digital). In addition, for AES input the
output format can be set to either PCM or
DSD via the decoded bitsplit format
Lock Mode
Selects between the “wide” and “precision”
lock modes when the unit is locked to an
external clock source.
Clock Source
Selects the clock source for the unit –
master (internal precision-cut quartz
crystal), external word clock, slot one or
slot two
AES Input
Chooses between single, dual or quad-
wire. Obviously, not all modes are
available for all sample rates
Bit Split
Selects if to decode a PAQRAT bit-
splitting format (PCM mode) or a 4-wire
“DSD over AES” format.
Bit Depth
Displays resolution of input audio
Sample Rate
Allows selection of 44.1kHz, 48kHz,
88.2kHz, 96kHz, 176.4kHz and 192kHz.
This button does not function in DSD
mode (forced to 44.1kHz) or in slave clock
mode (locks automatically to input rate)
The PPM displays consists of eight
columns of 14 segments each,
representing channels 1 to 8 respectively.
The meters are digital and are calibrated
in dBFS, with the top segment
representing 0dBFS. Peak values can be
set to decay immediately, be held for 2
seconds before decaying, or can be held
until the CLEAR PEAK HOLD button is
Note the overload segments remain on
until cleared by the pressing the CLEAR
PEAK HOLD button.