Miscellaneous Accessory Kits
Air-Cooled Generator Sets
Base Plug Kits
Paint Kits
Model 5652
Model 5651
Model 5653
Model 5654
Model 5703
Model 5704
Generac Power Systems, Inc. • P.O. Box 297, Whitewater, WI 53190 • generac.com
©2008 Generac Power Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Bulletin 0177550SBY/Printed in U.S.A. 04.08, rev. 05.08
The base plug kit offers an easy way to fill the lifting holes present in
the base of the generators. In the air-cooled product this offers rodent
and insect protection which could potentially be an issue during
service intervals. In liquid cooled product, it completes the look of a
finished base for a sleek, streamlined appearance.
Please note that the base plug kit (5652) for the air-cooled
product only fits air-cooled units manufactured prior to 4/2008
that do not have the contoured body wrap style.
The enclosure is the generator's first line of defense against the
elements and is important to keep in good condition. If the generator
enclosure is scratched or damaged, it is important to touch up
the paint to protect from future corrosion. These paint kits include
the necessary paint to properly maintain or touch up a generator
Please check with your sales representative to verify proper
color coordination.
Tan Kit – Generators manufactured prior to 4/2008
without contoured body style.
Grey Kit – Generators manufactured prior to 4/2008
without contoured body style.
Bisque Kit – Generators manufactured after 4/2008
with contoured body style.
Medium Grey Kit – Generators manufactured after
4/2008 with contoured body style.