Fuel Conversion/Gas Connections
Installation Guidelines for Air-Cooled Generators
Figure 5-3. Sediment Trap
Figure 5-4. Incorrect Routing of Flexible Hose
When connecting the gas line to the generator, use the provided section of UL Listed or AGA-approved flexible
fuel line in accordance with local regulations. The flexible fuel line ensures that vibration from the generator does
not cause a gas leak at one of the connection points. It is important that the line be installed with as few bends as
possible. Configure the sediment trap (if required) as shown.
Always install the flexible fuel line horizontally. Never bend to avoid using a pipe elbow. Bending the flexible fuel
line reduces its ability to absorb vibrations and may constrict fuel flow. See Figure 5-4.
Check for leaks by spraying all connection points with a solution of dish washing soap and water. Leaks exist If
bubbles are observed or if the solution is blown away.