“Bass Tilt”. An acoustic measuring system such
as WinMLS or comparable is recommended for
analyzing the effects of the adjustments, howev-
er, careful listening with suitable test recordings
can also lead to good results if a test system
is not available. Table 1 above shows some ex-
amples of typical settings in various situations.
Figure 4 shows the effect of the controls on the
anechoic response.
Treble Tilt
Treble Tilt control (switch 2) attenuates the
treble response of the loudspeaker at frequen-
cies above 5 kHz by 2 dB, which can be used
for smoothening down an excessively bright
sounding system.
Bass Tilt
Bass Tilt control offers three attenuation levels
for the bass response of the loudspeaker below
2 kHz, usually necessary when the loudspeak-
ers are placed near a wall or other room bound-
aries. The attenuation levels are -2 dB (switch
3 “ON”), -4 dB (switch 4 “ON”) and -6 dB (both
switches “ON”).
The factory setting for all tone controls is “OFF”
to give a flat anechoic response. Always start
adjustment by setting all switches to “OFF” po-
sition. Measure or listen systematically through
the different combinations of settings to find the
best frequency balance.
Mounting considerations
Align the loudspeakers correctly
Always place the loudspeakers so that their
acoustic axes (see figure 1) are aimed towards
the listening position. Only vertical placement is
preferred, as it minimises acoustical cancella-
tion problems around the crossover frequency.
Maintain symmetry
Check that the loudspeakers are placed sym-
metrically and at an equal distance from the
listening position. If possible, place the system
so that the listening position is on the center-
line of the room and the loudspeakers are
placed at an equal distance from the centerline.
Minimise reflections
Acoustic reflections from objects close to the
loudspeakers like desks, cabinets, computer
monitors etc. can cause unwanted colouration
blurring of the sound image. These can be mini-
mised by placing the loudspeaker clear of re-
flective surfaces.
Table 1:
Suggested tone control settings for differing acoustical environments
Loudpeaker Mounting Position
Treble Tilt
Bass Tilt
Flat anechoic response
Free standing in a damped room
Free standing in a reverberant room
-2 dB
Near to a wall
-6 dB
In a corner or a cabinet
-6 dB