© 2003 by
Cell - Meddetox System Ltd
Health Education -
Medical information
Indications and Contra-
Since Lui Galavani’s era many medical
researchers have experimented with
energy and various electro methods to
enhance healing and health. We also
know that the healing properties of wa-
ter has been used throughout time.
With our Blissful Cell-Meddetox elec-
trolysis footspa we have brought to-
gether the healing powers of water and
electro-energy. This gives a healing
combination which is free from injurious
side effects and can be offered to young
and older patients.
are pa-
tients with with pacemakers, organ
transplants. high risk of epilepsy, sei-
zures, at risk thrombosis (seek doctor’s
opinion) pregnancy, haemophilia se-
vere oedema
Regular treatments
with the Cell-
support the natural
decontamination processes of the body,
reducing the amount of harmful meta-
bolic compounds, lessoning acidosis and
therefore is to be recommended also for
healthy people.Treatments are particu-
larly recommended for the following
Blood circulation and circulation discomfort
Varicose veins, edemas, Cellulite
Arthritis and joint pains
and acidosis
Allergies, Sinusitis
Liver & kidney weakness
chronic fatiquestates
Ionic heavy metal-toxicity
Early ageing signs
The Cell-Meddetox electrolysis footbath
is not a method of treatment for specific
illnesses or conditions. The above men-
tioned recommendations
are meant sim-
ply as complementary treatments to ex-
tend any therapy which must be pre-
scribed by a doctor.
Traditional Therapies
Past & present
Traditional healing cures and health
spas have been known throughout the
ages. Thermal baths and hydrotherapy
treatments were well accepted natural
‘cures’ in the past. Today many people
enjoy modern water, fasting and detoxifi-
cation approaches to benefit their health
e.g. Kneipp ‘cure’ Thalasso & Fango. In
Middle Ages purges and
Todays h
umoral therapy tends
towards, colonic lavage, lymph drainage
and even chemical sulphur treatments
with D.M.P.S. Awareness of the serious
damage of ionic aggressive free radical
toxic metals has increased rapidly in the
last ten years with the advent of the
Practitioner Heavy Metal Desk Di-
agnosis System**
Homoeopathic, fre-
quency vibrational treatment are also
becoming readily known and used.. (re.
Harmonology Centre U.K. for further
information on their expansive Bio-
Energetic Resonance vitamin, mineral
enzyme protocols. et al )
Many practitioners also offer material
supplements such as anti-oxidants, glu-
tathione, vitamin C&E, calcium D-
Glucarat, L Ornithin, L Aspartat, Pyri-
doxal 5 phosphate, riboflavin 5 phos-
phate, zinc, magnesium, Melantonin, Al-
phalipoic acid etc.
Even with a busy schedule taking sup-
plements can be managed but it is not
always appropriate to visit a health spa.
, with our
Blissful Cell-Meddetox©
electrolysis footspa we offer you welcome
easy to use, time saving yet
effective alternative
to the traditional
detox methods.
offers a
physical method of treatment
as opposed to a chemical procedure and
this is significant for the patient as there
are no chemical side-effects