owners manual
If you are playing in Normal mode with Voices on a Split
keyboard, you may at some stage want to adjust the volume
of one section with respect to the other. Using the
Volume controls, you will be able to balance your Upper and
Lower voices to the levels required very easily. The MIXER
consists of 5 twin buttons organized in two rows. The top row
of buttons are [INCREASE VOLUME] controls while the bot-
tom row are [DECREASE VOLUME] controls. When you are
playing with voices only, voice balancing tasks require the use
of the [UPPER] and [LOWER] controls only. The other three
controls, (Drums, Bass and Accomp), are explained under
Styles on page 12.
The [PIANO] button always returns you to a single piano voice playing across the full keyboard. You may use
the PIANO button as a “return to start” button whenever you wish to have only one sound active across all 61
Balancing the Lower and Upper sections
To increase the volume of, the Upper section, for example,
press the top [INCREASE VOLUME] button and hold it down
until you reach the Volume required. The display shows the
Volume level of the Upper section.
To decrease the volume, press the bottom [DECREASE VO-
LUME] control. If the Upper section is playing with the DUAL
effect, the [UPPER MIXER] controls adjust both voices at the
same time.
Muting the sections
If you want to exclude a section (mute, or turn off), you can
use the MIXER control buttons. Simply press both [INCREASE
VOLUME] and [DECREASE VOLUME] buttons at the same time
to mute the section required. For example, if you press both
the top and bottom buttons of the [UPPER MIXER], the display
will show UPPER OFF. To restore the volume to normal, press
both the [INCREASE] and [DECREASE VOLUME] buttons again
at the same time.
Instant Piano Voice
Regardless of the current situation, you can recall the Piano Voice in-
stantly by pressing the [ PIANO] button. Pressing this button returns the
keyboard to NORMAL single voice play with the PIANO voice active
across the entire keyboard. Press the [PIANO] button again to return to
the previously selected situation.