80224_MHW_650 L - 1250 L_07-2018_ENG - 5
Although all of the information in this manual has been ca-
refully checked, Gefran S.p.A. assumes no liability regarding
the presence of any errors or regarding damage to property
and/or harm to individuals due to any improper use of this
Gefran S.p.A. also reserves the right to change the contents
and form of this manual, as well as the characteristics of the
devices described herein, at any time and without notice.
The technical data and performance levels specified in this
manual are to be considered a guide for the user in order to
determine the device’s suitability for a defined use, and do
not constitute a guarantee.
They may be the result of test conditions at Gefran S.p.A.,
and the user must compare them to his/her real application
Under no circumstances will Gefran S.p.A. be liable for any
damage to property and/or harm to individuals due to tam-
pering, incorrect or improper use, or use not conforming to
the characteristics of the indicator and to the instructions
contained in this manual.
This manual and its attachments may be freely reproduced
provided its contents are not changed in any way and provi-
ded every copy includes the above Disclaimer and the state-
ment of ownership of Gefran S.p.A.
Gefran and GF_eXpress are registered trademarks of Gefran
This manual may make reference to or reproduce remove
hyphen and logos of third parties. Gefran S.p.A. acknowled-
ges such parties’ ownership of these trademarks and logos.