Connect the long HDMI cable from the source into the “HDMI In” on the front of
the HDMI Super Booster Plus. The HDMI Super Booster Plus is placed next to
your display to regenerate the HDMI signal.
Connect a short HDMI cable from the “HDMI Out” connection in the back of the
HDMI Super Booster Plus to your display or projector
Plug the 5V DC power supply into the HDMI Super Booster Plus.
Plug the 5VDC wall mount power supply into the wall outlet.
Manual Equalization
By default, the HDMI Super Booster Plus is set to manual equalization. The service Dip
Switch 2, located on the underside of the unit behind a silver colored metallic sticker, must
be in the OFF position for manual EQ to be enabled. Dip Switch 1 relates to manual EQ
short and long cable settings. By default, Dip Switch 1 is in the long cable mode (OFF).
Adjust the EQ Trim Pot on the front of the unit to eliminate video noise by inserting a small
fl at-head tool into the Trim Pot port. Turn the Trim Pot in very small increments to EQ the
video signal until all video noise is eliminated. If a short cable is being used and there
is either video noise that cannot be tuned out or no image at all in the long cable mode,
change the manual EQ setting to short cable mode by turning Dip Switch 1 to the ON
position. Re-insert the adjustment tool and EQ the video signal. Use the diagram on the
next page to locate and view the location and settings of the Dip Switches.
Connect the long HDMI cable from the source into the “HDMI In” on the front of
the HDMI Super Booster Plus. The HDMI Super Booster Plus is placed next to
your display to regenerate the HDMI signal.
Connect a short HDMI cable from the “HDMI Out” connection in the back of the
HDMI Super Booster Plus to your display or projector
Plug the 5V DC power supply into the HDMI Super Booster Plus.
Plug the 5VDC wall mount power supply into the wall outlet.
Manual Equalization
By default, the HDMI Super Booster Plus is set to manual equalization. The service Dip
Switch 2, located on the underside of the unit behind a silver colored metallic sticker, must
be in the OFF position for manual EQ to be enabled. Dip Switch 1 relates to manual EQ
short and long cable settings. By default, Dip Switch 1 is in the long cable mode (OFF).
Adjust the EQ Trim Pot on the front of the unit to eliminate video noise by inserting a small
fl at-head tool into the Trim Pot port. Turn the Trim Pot in very small increments to EQ the
video signal until all video noise is eliminated. If a short cable is being used and there
is either video noise that cannot be tuned out or no image at all in the long cable mode,
change the manual EQ setting to short cable mode by turning Dip Switch 1 to the ON
position. Re-insert the adjustment tool and EQ the video signal. Use the diagram on the
next page to locate and view the location and settings of the Dip Switches.