(GMT + 05:00) Pakistan
(GMT + 05:00) Russia Zone 04 (Yekaterinburg, Perm, Ufa)
(GMT + 05:30) India (Calcutta)
(GMT + 05:45) Nepal
(GMT + 06:00) Bangladesh
(GMT + 06:00) Russia Zone 05 (Novosibirsk, Omsk)
(GMT + 06:30) Cocos (Keeling) Islands
(GMT + 06:30) Myanmar
(GMT + 07:00) Cambodia, Western Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam
(GMT + 07:00) Paci
c Ocean (Christmas Island)
(GMT + 07:00) Russia Zone 06 (Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo)
(GMT + 08:00) Taiwan
(GMT + 08:00) Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia
(GMT + 08:00) Western Australia
(GMT + 08:00) China
(GMT + 08:00) Russia Zone 07 (Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude)
(GMT + 09:00) Eastern Indonesia
(GMT + 09:00) Japan
(GMT + 09:00) Korea
(GMT + 09:00) Palau
(GMT + 09:00) Russia Zone 08 (Yakutsk, Chita)
(GMT + 09:30) Australia North
(GMT + 09:30) Australia South
(GMT + 10:00) Australia East
(GMT + 10:00) Paci
c Ocean (Papua, Guam)
(GMT + 10:00) Russia Zone 09 (Vladivostok, Khabarovsk)
(GMT + 11:00) Paci
c Ocean UTC (Solomon Islands, Vanuatu)
(GMT + 11:00) Russia Zone 10 (Magadan, Kolyma)
(GMT + 11:30) Norfolk Islands
(GMT + 12:00) Kiribati Gilbert Islands
(GMT + 12:00) New Zealand
(GMT + 12:00) Paci
c Ocean (Chuuk, Fiji, Nauru, Yap)
(GMT + 12:00) Russia Zone 11 (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka, Anadyr)
(GMT + 12:45) Chatham Islands
(GMT + 13:00) Kiribati (Phoenix Islands - Enderburg)
(GMT + 13:00) Tonga
(GMT + 14:00) Kiribati Line Islands
3. Use the Arrow keys to select the proper time zone for your region and press
the Spacebar to select the time zone. Press the Enter key to accept the
4. Select Done from the Main Menu to save the changes.