Tracking your activity
As you know, this Geeksme device is designed for you to monitor your physical
activity, sleep and sexual performance and use that information to track your
impact on the environment. The first two actions (exercise and sleep) are
automatically registered, while the sexual activity record is optional and requires
of the user action any time it's used.
The device's memory can store up to 30 days worth of data. This means you can
skip syncing your Geeksme with your smartphone for up to 30 days to save the
information into the app memory. It is important for you to consider that this
information will not be automatically transferred but you have to connect the
two elements any time you want to perform this. You can find more information
on this in the section “Connect”, at “Menu Options” (pag. [Introducir número de
Thanks to g!fitness, your Geeksme device allows you to record information on
the steps and distance you walk, the calories and fat you burn and the time you
work out during a 24 hour period. Your device's counter will restart at midnight
and will start recording new information for that day.
Distance (kkiilloommeettrreess/milles)
Burned calories (ggrraammss/ounces)
Burned fat (ggrraammss/ounces)