GEAppliances JVM141H Use And Care Manual Download Page 14

Summary of Contents for JVM141H

Page 1: ... RepairService 23 ControlPanel 6 7 SafetyInstructions 3 4 ConversionGuide 14 TemperatureCook 10 CookingCompleteReminder 5 TemperatureProbe 10 12 13 CooktopLight 6 TimeCook 8 DelayedCooking 11 TimeDefrost 9 ExhaustFan 6 16 Warranty BackCover ExtensionCords 2 C9 Features GreaseFilters 16 17 GroundingInstructions 22 HoldTime 11 LightBulbReplacement 16 GA4mwwCemr Microwaving Tips 2 ModelJVlW41H 2 The ...

Page 2: ...leasebe Certainthat it is Writeto GEAppliances RangeProductService AppliancePark Louisville KY40225 If you received 3 damaged oven Immediatelycontactthedealer orbuilder thatsoldyouthe microwave oven save time and money Beforeyourequestservice checktheProblemSolveron pages20 and21 It listscausesof minoroperatingproblemsthatyou yourmicrowave ovenissuitablefor microwaving Mostglasscasseroles cookingd...

Page 3: ...wercordorplug ifit isnotworking properly orif ithasbeendamaged ordropped Seedoorsurfacechzni ng instructions onpageM Thisapplianceshouldbe servicedonlybyqualifiedservice perWmeLCOnk ct lleare t J uthorized scrviccfacilityfor Wmlim tkmj rcpah orMljllstment w j y apph mcc Clasc jjpt J7 jf n k ne xMWy when usedbychildren 3 m IwhMx thel i k d fin ill the wu l Cavity DCInotovercook food Carefully atten...

Page 4: ...evformatightseaL Whencookingwithcontainers tightlycovered withplasticwrap remove covering carcfhlly anddirect steamaway fromhandsandface Q certainspeciaIcircumstances liquidsmaystarttoboilduring orshor ly afterrcmvd fromthe microwave ovcrl lbprwcntburns remsp ashing iquisl stir the iqukibrieflybdiimrenmvillg the con aintir fromthemicrowave oven 4 Do notuscmicrowave browning dishonshelf theshclfcmd...

Page 5: ...or Doormustbe securelylat hedfor oventooperate 2 DoorLatches 3 WindowwithMetalShield Screenallowscookingtobe viewed whilekeepingmicrowaves ccmfined inoven 4 lklode andSerialNumbers 5 OvenVent 6 ModeStirrerCover Protects themicrowave energydistributing system Do notremovethecover Youwilldamagetheoven U CooktopLight 14 C ven Light Lightcomeson whendoorisopenedor whenoven isoperatinginanyfunction i I...

Page 6: ...ishto resetor changetime simpiyrepeataboveprocess 5 Pads Touchthesepadstoeritercook time foodtemperature powerlevel AutoRoastcodes or AutoDefrostcodesandfoodweight 6 CkadOff Whentouched it stopstheo en and erasesall settingsexcepttimeofday 7 AutoRoast Insert probe touchthispad and desirednumberpadforcodetoslow cook or temperaturecookmeatwithautomaticpreset program Seepages12and B 8 ExhaustFan Pres...

Page 7: ...c9 o wisw c9 fB Rmm ...

Page 8: ...flashes Step4 TouchTIMECOOKHpad Step5 Setyourcookingtime HowtoChange Fbwer Level Aftersettingcookingtime touchPOWERLEVELpad thentouchdesirednumberfor newpowerlevel Step6 TouchSTART Step7 POWER10 isdisplayed andCookTime1isshowncounting down Step At the endof CookTime1 the secondpowerlevelisdisplayed andCookTime2 isshowncounting down Step Whentimei sup theoven signalsandflashes End The oven lightand...

Page 9: ...epackage o Forevendefrosting somefoods needtobe brokenupor separated pm t ofthe waythroughthe defrostingtime o Family size pre packaged frozenentreescanbedefrostedand microwaved If thefoodis ina foil container transferittoa microwave safedish Checkyourcookbookforother defrostingtips Questions andAnswers Q WhenI pressSTART I hear a dullthumpingnoise Whatis it A Thissoundisnormal It is lettingyoukno...

Page 10: ...obeandfood fromtheoven cooking Tips Usea iowerpowerlevel itwill heatmoreevenlyeven though requiringmoretime 13e surefrozenfoodhasbeen completely defrosted beforeinserting probe Probemaybreakoffifused infrozenfoods Usethecliptokeeptheprobein placewhileheating Coverfoodslooselyformoisture controlandquick evenheating andAmswers Q AfterI followed thesteps andtouchedtheSTARX pad WRROR flashedinthedispl...

Page 11: ...isplay Defrostingis automatically setonpowerlevel3 butcanbechangedbytouching thePOWERLEVELpadandthe desiredpowerlevel Step4 Setholdingor standing timebytouching MIN SEC TIMER Thedisplay shows O and ENTER TIME flashes Step5 Touch1 0 0andOtohold fortcnminutes 10 00 appearson displayand TIME flashes Step6 TouchTIMECOOKI pad Thedisplayshows 0 and POWER10 ENTERCOOK TIME 1 flashes Step7 Touch2 5 0 andOf...

Page 12: ...heoven Placeporkroastincookingbag andplaceinmicrowave safe dish Placemeatinovenwithprobeto theright Insertcableendofprobe firmlyintoreceptacleonovenwall HowtOl O mist BeeftoMedium 1 TouchAUIN3 ROAST pad AUTO appearsondisplayand ENTERCODE flashes Touch numberpad2 CODE2 appears ondisplayand START flashes TouchSTART Displayshows temperatureand CODE2 2 At90 F displayswitchesto showmeat sinternaltemper...

Page 13: ...mer AutoRoastcode6 Yourcookbookhasinformation onautomaticsimmering including guidesandrecipes Totaltimeincludestimetobring foodto 180 F andholdatthat temperatureuntildone AutomaticSimmer Auto Roast code6 IApprox Food Time Hrs Beef PotRoast 6 8 stew 6 8 Ovenswitchesto Holdat 180 F untilyouremovefoodandturnoff oven If stirringis recommended youcanresetovenby retouching START TouchCLEAR C FF aftercoo...

Page 14: ...odweight checkthe AutoDefrostcodeguidetomake surethatweightcorrespondstothe codenumberentered Step2 TouchAutoDefrostpad ENTERCODE flashesondisplay Step3 Touch numberpad4 CODE 4 and LIM showsondisplay ENTERWEIGHT flashes Step4 Touchnumberpad3 and Oforweightof3 lbs Displayshows 3 0 CODE4 and START flashes StepS TouchSTARTpad Defrost timebeginscountingdownon display Automatic Defrosting hide Step 6 W...

Page 15: ...tha dampclothandthen withadrytowel ControiPanel Wipewitha damp cloth Dry thoroughly Do notuse cleaningsprays largeamountsof soapandwater abrasives or sharp objectsonthepanel they can damageit DoorSurface Whencleaning surfacesofdoorandoventhat cometogetheronciosingthedoor useonlymild nonabrasivesoaps ordetergentsappliedwitha sponge or soflcloth PowerCord If thecordbecomes soiled unplugandwashwithda...

Page 16: ...hthefiltersandthen recirculated Thegreasefiltersshouldbe cleanedatleastoncea month Neveroperateyourhoodwithout thefiltersinplace Insituations whereflamingmightoccuron surfacesbelowhood filterwill retardentryofflamesintotheunit Thedisposablecharcoalfilter shouidbereplacedwhenit is noticeablydirtyordiscolored usuallyafter6to 12months dependingonhoodusage Order PartNo WB2X4267 fromyour dealer DON JI ...

Page 17: ... mainfuseor circuitbreakeror pullplug Remove thetopgrillbytakingoff 3 screwswhichholdit inplace Graspfilterandslidetowardfront ofoven It willsliderightout Toinstalla newfilter remove plasticandotherouterwrapping fromthenewfilter Insertfilterinto topopeningofovenas shown It willrestatanangleontwoside supporttabsandinfrontofright reartab Replacegrillandsecurewith 3 screws ...

Page 18: ... inthedishes checktoseethattheywillfittogether onor undertheshelf Also be sure cookwareismicrowave safe Cookwareforheatingor reheating include1cupmeasuringcup 8x4x3 inch loafdishes 9x5x3 inchloafdishesor 9 inchpieplates A Lefioversmaybeplacedin small individualceramicorplasticbowls or dividedplates Usewaxpaperor plasticwrap insteadoflidson casseroles Lids mayaddtoomuchheighttodish theshelf Toinser...

Page 19: ...s top fromthetoponly Also it is shelfespecially afier3 4oftotal important to rememberthatfoods timeandremoveanywhichare absorbmicrowave energyat done Continuecookingothers differentrates Ratescanbeaffkcted bythesizeofthefood andits startingtemperature Because ofthevaryingrates you mayneedto startreheatinga large ordensefooda fewminutesahead oftime thenaddothersmalleror km densefoods Alternately if...

Page 20: ... 20 ...

Page 21: ...edoor isoperating mightbenoticedwhileusingyour Lightrefkxticmarounddooror s DMng OVtm iightandchange rnicmwavo mwn N ssimilartothe outercase inbiowgrsoundmayoccurwhile interference causedbyothersmall operatingatpowerlevelsother appliances anddoesnotindicatea thanhigh problemwithyouroven ...

Page 22: ... D Q lly D fill f l INSURE PROPER GROUNDEXISTS Fig 1 BEFOREUSE Consultaqualifiedelectricianor servicetechnicianifthegrounding instructionsarenotcompletely understood or if doubtexistsasto whethertheapplianceisproperly grounded 22 Wherea standardtwo prongwall receptacleis encountered it is yourpersonalresponsibility and obligationtohaveit replacedwith a properlygroundedthree prong wallreceptacle Do...

Page 23: ...RST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased In most cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouare stillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GEAppliances AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 EmiEfJ _ FINALLY ifyourproblemis still notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20 NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois6060...

Page 24: ...TPOINT FACTORY SERVICEor GENERALELECTRIC CUSTOMER cARE SERVICE 1s I w r xwEFlmese icetripstoyourhometo aReplacementof housefusesor teachyouhowto usethe product resettingofcircuitbreakers ReadyourUseandCarematerial Ifyouthenhaveanyquestions Failureofthe productif it is used forotherthan itsintendedpurpose aboutoperatingthe product f pleasecontactyourdealerorour or usedcommercially ConsumerAffairsof...
