G. Creating a Personalized Logo File
The XL Lv allows users to display a personalized logo on-screen or store with captured images.
Typically, this file will be a corporate logo.
LOGO File Requirements
• 200 x 200 pixels maximum size
• 24 Color
• File name must be logo.jpg
• File must be Microsoft® Windows® compatible
Creating the Logo File
1. Open logo file with image editor.
2. Create custom background comprised of Red 255, Green 0, Blue 255.
This will create a magenta-colored background that will appear transparent when loaded on the XL Lv.
3. Save this file as a .png.
4. Close image editor.
5. Locate the saved file, right click, choose rename. Rename file from logo.png to logo.jpg.
This will allow it to be recognized by the XL Lv.
6. Transfer file to the USB ThumbDrive provided with system.
7. Insert ThumbDrive into USB port on the XL Lv.
8. Press joystick to enter Live Main Menu
10. Select LOAD
11. Prompt will display “LOGO COPY COMPLETE”
©2009 General Electric Company.
All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice.
QuickTime and the QuickTime logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., used under licence therefrom.
©2008 VideoLAN
Assembled in USA by GE Inspection Technologies