GE WWA8806M Use & Care Manual Download Page 14

Summary of Contents for WWA8806M

Page 1: ...rage VacationTips 25 Detergents Other Additives 13 17 User MaintenanceInstructions 25 Energy Saving Tips 10 warranty BackCover Filter Flo Pan 4 8 12 Hard Water 16 LimestoneDeposits 14 25 Loadingthe Washer 4 12 Mini BasketTM Tub 5 9 hIini QuickCycle 5 8 Modelanti Serial Numbers 2 operating Instructions 4 5 I re treatir g 7 11 17 GEA4nswer center I rol em Solver 20 24 800 626 2000 Models WWA8806M WW...

Page 2: ...ilrd C lSC write tilese nL1lilbcrs Ilel c To obtain a Spanishlanguage version of this book call GE Answer Center g 800 626 2000 consumer informationservice Para obtener la versi6nen espaiiolde este manual name a GE Answer Center servicio de informaci6n para el consumidor te16fono800 626 2000 FORYOURSAFETY Ifyou smell gas 1a 2a 3m Don tturn electricswitches onorOHbecause sparks may ignitethegas To ...

Page 3: ...sition then waitunttithe machinehas completely stoppedbeforeopeningthe lid ocloseSupervision k necessaryMttisapplianceis usedby or near Ctildreno Do not allowctildren to play inside9 on or tith thk apptianceor any dkcarded appliance Disposeof tiscarded appliancesand shippingor paeting materials properly Beforediscardinga washer9 or remoting from setiee9 removethe WmherMd Keep all laundry aids such...

Page 4: ...Flo pan as a wash basket Do not put any items to be washed in the Filter Flo pan See page 15for informationon how Wash Spin Speeds Water Level WashjRinse Temp tlea Duly ra Lame Capacity w E t n SevenCycleTwoSpeedWasher Q NORMAL t fEDIUM B 4 Mini luich Cycle GmE K 7 AUTO m fit f Smu o MIHI BASKET Extra CleanCycf m Mmloslul PJ to 10 d 1 SOrtiag and Loading _pa k Select Wash and Rinse Temperature Sor...

Page 5: ...ESS Perm3nenfPress ycle a Mini Quick Cycle START Extra clean cyele For modern fabrics with heavy or oily soil A second rinse is provided to help remove the additional detergent that is required for these soils oak Gyc u and Knits Cycles SOIL Aw Mini Qtiick CyclI RAPINSE START I Extra Clean Cycle I Permanent Press Knits cycles For po yesterknits delicatesand permanentpress An extended cool down spr...

Page 6: ... Press Down filled garments if machine washing is recommended Warm Gentle Permanent Press Knits Cycles Setting I Hot ormal f3ubyClothes Sturdy such as Diapers Nightgowns Shirts Pads Sheets Receiving Blankets Coveralls Regular Cycles F Permanent Press Knits Cycles Knits Setting Baby Clothes Dclicatc Warm 5 min soak then Light Soil Setting g 5 min soak then Normal 5 min soak then Normal Warm Regular...

Page 7: ... retain the garment s warmth Washseparately Wet down gives off an odor which maybe absorbed by other garments Odor disappears when garment is dry Treat heavily soiled areas with liquid detergent or paste made of water and granular detergent Close zippers Wash 2 or 3 at a time or add towels to balance GARMENT MUST BE TUMBLE DRIED Youmay prefer to use a mild type detergent Do baby clothes separately...

Page 8: ...ith tile soak cycle The Filter Flopanhastwo functions LINT FILTER Position the Filter Flo pan on the agitatorafter loading clothes into the washer Lint is easily seen and removed after the wash is finished LID FOR THE M I BASKET After loading the clothes in the Mini Baskettub be sure to replace the Filter Flo pan The pan serves as a lid to keep the clothes in the Mini Basket tub NOTE Do not use th...

Page 9: ... agitatortoward the front of the machine for easier installation and removal of Mini Basket tub Put 1 4to 1 3cup 60 to 80 ml detergent in the bottomof the Mini Basket tub eLoad clothes in Mini Basket tub Seepage 9 forsortinghelp J __ i QWhen washing stockings panty hose and other easily tangled items always handle separately To minimize tangling the use of a net laundry bag is recommended 0After l...

Page 10: ... approximate y 90 to 11O F or hand comfortable If you noticethat soil has accumulatedafter several consecutivewashings useHot Wash occasionally if safefor fabrics i Try to wash less often Save articles of the same type of fabric until you have a full load IJIf you must wash smallerloads adjust the amount of water Small loads should have lower water levels Wash in off peak utilityhours Yourlocal ut...

Page 11: ... for areas of heavy soil or stain Remove stains For STAIN REMOVAL GUIDE SEE PAGE 17 Turn Poly Knits inside out to minimize fabric surface damage Soaking and Px e treating a good way to loosen deep soiis and Shins A thorough soaking with detergent or special soaking agent is another way to remove heavy soils embedded dirt and even some stains Soakingcan be eithera completely separatewashing step or...

Page 12: ...f the lo d See p g L special recolnmendations forWashing permanentpress _ ifyou do not have a dryer If you are machine washing Permanent Press clothes that you plan to line dry or drip dry use extra care to minimize wrinkling in the wash process Be careful not to overload washer Permanent Press clothes must have ample room to move freely A Medium size Permanent Press load is the largest that shoul...

Page 13: ... Are excellent as concentrates for removing spots Completely dissolve even in cold water Perform well in soft water Disadvantages Are not available in some areas Generally do not clean well in hard water May be difficult to dissolve especially in cold water Should not be used in cold water Those containing sodium carbonate as an ingredient may cause harmful limestone deposits on clothes and washer...

Page 14: ...ions will temportily delay the efiects of limestone on your clothes These are generally good washing practices and will give better soil removal whether or not you have hard water or use carbonate detergent oUse hotter wash water for example up to 150 F for cottons This also improves oily soil removal If you wash in cooler water to save energy use more detergent to promote better washing Also be s...

Page 15: ...uringcup How to usedetergent granular or powered Add detergentnext to the agitator after the clotheshave been loaded If your detergentdoesn tdissolve well predissolvethe detergentin hot water then pour directly into the wash basket Recommended amOunt of detergent for average sotiIOad WaterLevelSetting Water Hardness Large Medium Small VERY HARD 2 cups CLIPS 1 cups Higll Sudsir g 1 20Gr I t ler Typ...

Page 16: ...ou use phosphate detergent you also have no problem But if youhavemorethan10 grains youwillneedtosoften yourwaterwitheither 1 An installed water softener in your home or 2 The use of a packaged water softener For more information on water 20 grains and over softeners see guide below EXTREMELY HARD Add thismuchwatersoftenerwitha fuilwaterlevel Grains of o lo hardness 10 15 15 20 o_25 25 30 over 30 ...

Page 17: ...r silk wool mohair spandex leather or non fast colors Diiute bieach before using on any fabric 3 Check Manufacturer sCare Labels for special instructions 1 Maybe used on all kinds of fabrics 2 Is most effective in hot water 1 Helps make clothes fluffy and soft 2 Reduces static electricity 3 Use carefully Too much may cause staining on some clothes 4 Do not pour directly on clothes 5 For those reco...

Page 18: ... 8 liter of cool water approximately80 F 27 C ina sinkor pan Soak stained area for 5 minutesand launderin washer The case of the Invisible stain Foodor tooting oilson your synthetic arm ntsmay cause stains see next pagefor stain Removal Guide which are virtuallyinvisibleand which you may not noticeas you put your clothesinto the washer If these stainsare not completely removed in the wash the oily...

Page 19: ...esh Fruit Fruit Juices Treat stain with safe dry cleaning fluid Apply undiluted liquid detergent launder and dry Bleach according to Stain Removal iint on opposite page soak stain in cool water If stain remains bleach according to ltain RemovalHinton oppositepage launder Spongewith warmwater Bleachremaining stainwithnon chlorinebleach Wine Vegetablesor Food Coloring Applyundilutedliquiddetergent L...

Page 20: cycle softenersmay react with detergent to create a white deposit Use softeners in rinse cycle unless package specifies adding to wash cycle See page 17 ePilling usually on polyester cotton blends is caused by normal wear and may look like u _ lint Turning clothes inside out may provide some help Static electricity caused by overdrying will cause attraction Use fabric softener iil rinse cycle r...

Page 21: ...e water softener in place of soak agent or prewash detergent and allow clothes to soak for about 20 minutes LTsethe iMini Baskettub see page 9 Increase detergent m Incomplete removal of body soil due to constant use of insufficient detergent Check hem of T shirt or pillow case If they are white and center is yellow it conttins body il Restore whiteness following procedures on Grayed Clothes above ...

Page 22: ...o more than medium loads to give clothes room to move freely eIncorrect wash and dry cycles Use Permanent Press Wash cycle which provides a cooldown rinse to min m ze wrinkling Also use Permanent Press Dry cycle eIncorrect water level Use Large Water Level for Medium Load Medium Level for Small Load Repeated washing in too hot water Wash in cold or warm water with plenty of e detergent e Accumulat...

Page 23: ...tays when possible Roughnessor burrs on agitatormay cause rips or tears Check agitator and file rough spots if necessary May be caused by the use of Regular Cycles for delicate articles Use Permanent Press Cycle Refer to garment Manufacturer sCare Labels Garments weakened by age sun or atmosphere This is inevitable and is not caused by washer Slow process by washing on Permanent Press Cycle Too la...

Page 24: ...or stops and the spin brake insidethe transmission locks in This sound is normal eHeavily unbalanced loads can cause the washer to vibrate excessively during spin and may cause it to move from its originalposition In extreme cases usually occurs when washing a single heavy item or a small load when water level is set higher than necessary the spin basket may strikethe outer tub creating a loud but...

Page 25: ... accumulated No toolsare needed simplygrasp agitatorwith both handsand pull straightup sharply The slottedsectionat the top of the metal shafthas a light coatingof lubricantto preventparts stickingtogether If thisarea appears to be dry applya lightcoatof grease or petroleumjelly aroundthe slotted sectionof the shaftbeforereplacing the agitator Do notovergrease When replacing the agitator carefully...

Page 26: ... Jiltvisit i Youcan have the securefeelingthat GEConsumerServicewillstillbe there after yourwarrantyexpires Pur chase a GEcontractwhileyourwar ranty is stillin effectand you llreceive a substantialdiscount Witha multiple yearcontract you reassuredof future serviceat today s prices Whatever your question about any GE major appliance GEAnswerCente information service is avadable to help Your call an...

Page 27: ... telephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRIC FACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICEor GENERALELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE II I WHAT1SNOTCOVERED Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Read your Use and Care rmate ial If you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at t...
