GE WWA7304V Use And Care Manual Download Page 20

Summary of Contents for WWA7304V

Page 1: Irom I setting thecontrols p4 Bleach Dispenser D8 Energy saving tips p8 Sorting andloading p9 aoosingdetergents pll Suinremoval D16 Your Direct Line toWneml Electric TheGE ercemkF800 626 2000 Use andCare of model mA7304V l ...

Page 2: ...umerAffairs GeneralElectricCompany AppliancePark Louisville KY40225 Serial Number Usethesenumbersinany correspondence orservicecalls concerning yourwasher Ifyoureceived a Wed washer se Immediatelycontactthedealer orbuilder thatsoldyouthe washer ToobtainHispanicversionof thisbook call TheGEAnswerCenter 1 save time ad money Beforeyourequ lest service e checktheProblemSolveron pages18 22 It listscaus...

Page 3: ...bythechemicalactionwithinyour waterheaterandthegascan accumulate inthewaterheater and orwaterpipesifhotwaterhas notbeenusedforaperiodoftwo weeksorlonger HYDROGEN GAS ICAN BEEXPIXXXVE UNDER THESECHWJMSTANCES Soto preventthepossibilityofdamageor injury ifyouhavenotusedhot waterfortwoweeksorrno e or moveintoaresidenceinwhichthe hotwatersystemmaynothavebeen usedforsometime turnonailhot waterfaucetsand...

Page 4: ...undersideofthelidis a goodplace toputthepanwhileloadingor unloadingclothes Loadclothesintowashbasket beingm efulnottooverload Clothesshoukibe belowretaining ring Seepage 10formoreloading nf rmati n PositionFilter l panon agitatorandaddmeasuredamount ofdetergent Seepages11ihmugh 15forinformationondetergents M otherlaundryadditives NCYH3 Do notusetheFilter Flo panas a wash basket Donotput anyitemsto...

Page 5: ...ostsoakingaidsto loosenembeddedsoilsandstains Seepage8 2 8W1 m REGULAR CYCLES 3 il sow Em F what Happem inEachsetting Appro ate Minutes 1 cycle selector Regular soak Penn Press Knits settings wash 4 ak 3 Wash 3tO 18 5t08 2 spin 3Y5 2 3 Rinse 3 3 3 3 7 7 4 4 3 spin 7 rota 21to36 Time 36to51 H 20to23 24 xtra ifls co tt issetto fj KYm23 G Totaltimeincludespausesbetweeneachphaseofcycle I dti medoesnot...

Page 6: ...ndAcetate Gentle Warm Down filled garments ifmachine washingisrecommended Gentle r RegularCycle BabyClothes Sturdy suchas Diapers Nightgowns Shirts Pads Sheets Receiving Blankets Coveralls Normal Hot Warm Warm KnitsCycle BabyClothes Delicate SetatStartWash Gentle 13kmkets Wool Part Wool Cotton 5 min soakthe Normal RegularCycle 3 minutes 3 minutes Blankets Synthetic Electric 5 min soakther Normal W...

Page 7: ...nce mc GARMENT MUSTBETUMBLEDRIED Youmayprefertouseamildtypedetergent Dobabyclothesseparately Pretreatspots Rinsediapers nightgowns padsandsheetsafteruse Keepdiapersina covered pailofcold waterandconditioning agentlike130rateem brand m T m Youmayprefertousea mildtypedetergent Dohand knitgarments byhand Fillwasher adddetergent allowtodissolvebeforeaddingblanket Dooneblanketat atime _ Pretreatheavily...

Page 8: ...nt ThenpushintheCycleSelector knobto stopthewasher keeplid closed andallowtosoakforaslongas desired Afterdesiredsoakperiod pulloutthe CycleSelectorknobto completethecycle E wY s vi g mp If yourclothesandhouseholditems don tlookcleanandfreshafler washing youwillprobablyre wash them andthatmeansyou llwaste energy Rememberto sortyour clothescarefi dly andloadthem properly selectcorrectcycles use enou...

Page 9: ...ippem snapsnaps hooks andbuttons Doanynecessarymending rips hems tears Checkallitemsforareasofheavy soilor stain Removestains ForSTAIN REMOVAL GUIDE SEEPAGE17 TurnPolyKnitsinside outto minimizefabricsurfacedamage SoakingandPre treathg a goodwayto loosen deep soils and stains A thoroughsoakingwithdetergent or specialsoakingagentisanother waytoremoveheavysoils embeddeddirtandevensome stains Soakingc...

Page 10: ...rdPillowCases 5 T shirts 2 PairTrousers 3Handkerchiefs Thisillustration withclothesjust reachingtheClothesRetaining Ring showsaproperload Clothes haveampleroomtomovebecause theyarenotpackeddown nor wrappedaroundtheagitator Clothesareloadeddry sincewet itemsareapttopackdownwhich encouragesoverloading Thissize loadrequiresa fullwaterfill Whatk thebestsizeloadd dothes large9 rmdimn9 or fmaM Savetime ...

Page 11: ...synthetics andfabric blendswell Areexcellent asconcentrates forremovingspots Completely dissolveevenin coldwater Performwellinsoftwater Disadvantages Arenotavailable insomeareas Generallydonotcleanwellin hardwater Maybedifficulttodissolve especiallyincoldwater Shouldnotbeusedincoldwater Thosecontaining sodium carbonateasaningredient may causeharmftdlimestone deposits onclothesandwasherwhen combine...

Page 12: ...phate w W tsllhlg pl i4x Bl143 y May H IBMWOlle kWMge h dMBReS Thefollowing recommendations willtemporarilydelaytheeffects oflimestoneonyourclothes Thesearegenerallygoodwashing practicesandwillgivebettersoil removalwhetheror notyouhave hardwateror usecarbonate detergent Usehotterwashwater for exampleupto 150 F forcottons Thisalsoimprovesoily soil removal If youwashincoolerwaterto saveenergy usemor...

Page 13: ...ergent granular orpowdered Placedetergentinthefilterpanfor normalconditions but forbest results putit nexttotheagitator aftertheclotheshavebeenloaded If yourdetergentdoesn tdissolve well predissolvethedetergentin hotwater thenpourdirectlyinto thewashbasket Rwomended momtof detergentfor average soil load WaterLevelSetting Water Hardness LARGE MEDIUM SMALL VERY HARD 2 cups 1 cups 1 4cups High SwMng ...

Page 14: ...uthardwater If youhave HARDwater less than10grains andyouusephosphate detergent youalsohavenoproblem But ifyouhavemorethan 10 grains youwillneedto softenyour waterwitheither L Aninstalledwatersoftenerin yourhome or 2 Theuseofa packagedwater softener Forinformationonwater softeners seeguidebelow Addthismuchwater Somnerwitha mwater kvd Grainsof hardness 0 10 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 over30 Whenusing ...

Page 15: ...e WATERMM TENER Non precipitating Followpackagedirections Suspends hardnessmineralsinsolution keeping suchasCalgonbrand Addat startofwashcycle waterclear Precipitating suchas Followpackagedirections Combineswithwaterhardnessmineralstoformprecipitate Boraxbrand Usewithdetergentor soapinwashcycle whichgivescloudyor milkyappearance to water SOAIK AGENT Suchas Bizbrand FO11OW package directions PRETRE...

Page 16: ...nd launderinwasher The Caseofthe Invisible Main Foodor cookingoilscmyour syntheticgarmentsmaycausestains whicharevirtuallyinvisibleand whichyoumaynotnoticeasyou putyourclothesintothewasher If thesestainsarenotcompletely removedinthe wash theoilyspots maypickupdirtfromthewash water Thentheywillbecomevery visibleandyoumaythinktheywere causedbythewashcycleitself Oncethesespotsbecomevisible howcanyour...

Page 17: ...inwithnon chlorine bleach Soakstainincoolwater If stainremains bleachaccording toStain Removal Hintonoppositepage launder EfanB Grass Foliage Flowers hfildew Scorch Applyundilutedliquiddetergent Launder Treatmildewspots whiletheyarefresh beforemoldhasa chancetoweakenfabric If eithertypestainremains bleachaccording toStainRemoval Hint onoppositepage launder Severescorchcannotberemoved Spongewithwar...

Page 18: ...sinrinsecycleonlyunlesspackage specifiesaddingtowashcycle Seepage15 pillingusuallyonpolyester cotton blends is caused bynormalwearandmaylooklike lint Turningclothesinside outmayprovidesomehelp eStiticelectricity caused by Overdying will cause attraction use fabricsofienerin rinsecycle GREASYOROILY Thesearesometimescalled InvisibleStains becauseyoumaynotnoticethembefore STAINSON washingclothes Howe...

Page 19: ...T shirtor pillowcase If theyarewhiteandcenterisyellow it containsbody oil Restorewhitenessfollowing procedureson GrayedClothes above Chlorinebleachmayyellowsomefabricswithresinfiishes Usenon chlorine bleach suchas Clorox2 brand Referto GarmentManufacturers CareInstructions Restore colorusingcolorremover suchasRitor Tintexbrarids followpackagedirections Ironor manganesein watermaycauseoverallyellow...

Page 20: ...loadata time Donotcombineloads ITEMS Improperloads AvoidlaunderingheavyPermanentPressitems suchaswork clothes withlighterPermanent ressitemssuchas shirtsorblouses Donotwash PermanentPresswithregularlaundry Toomanyclothesinwasher PermanentPressloadsshouldalways besmallerthan regularloads nomorethanmediumloadstogiveclothesroomtomovefreely Incorrectwashanddrycycles UsePermanentPressWashcyclewhichprov...

Page 21: ...ressgarmentsage theymayshowfrayingatcollarsandcuffs Thisis normalduetoweakening offibersbythePermanentPressprocess It isnotcausedby washer YoucanslowthisprocessbywashingsmallPermanentPressloadswitha LargeWaterLevel Do notwashheavyitemssuchastowelswithPermanentPress Remove collarstays whenpossible Roughness or burrsonagitatormaycauseripsortears Checkagitatorandfilerough spotsifnecessary e Maybe cau...

Page 22: ...WASHER PAUSES Washernormallypausesbetweenwashingsteps suchasbetweenwashandspinor IN CYCLE betweenspinandrinse Tie GE Answer Cenier 800 626 2000 consumerinformation service _ ...

Page 23: ...may getintoclothesload Whenreplacingtheagitator carefullylowerstraightdownonto the shaftsothatit fitsintotheslots Thenapplydownward pressure untilagitatorsnapsintoitsnormal position How 0lremove Ihestone deposim from c o ed Filter mo pan Soakfilterpaninapreheated 160 F 71 C solutionofhalf vinegarandhalfwaterfor 15 minutes Thenbrusheachsideof panwitha stiffbristlebrushwhile flushingwithrunningwater...

Page 24: ...hone directory for GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTR C I OTPOINTFACTORYSERVICE or GENERAL ELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE WHAT s NOTCOVERED Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Read your Use and km rnaterkd if you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address ...
