GE WDSR2080G6CC Owner'S Manual Download Page 9

Summary of Contents for WDSR2080G6CC

Page 1: ...9 Control Panels 4 6 Control Settings 4 7 Features 8 Loading and Using the Washer 9 Troubleshooting Tips o 12 Consumer Support Consumer Support 16 Warrantg 15 Write the model and serial number here Model Seria Youcan find them under the lid of the washer 175Dl 807P587 49 90319 1 tO 08 JR ...

Page 2: ... up hgdrogengas to escape Sincethe gas is flammable do not smoke or use an openflame or appliance duringthis process PROPERINSTALLATION This washer must be propertg installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used tf gou did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet you can receive one bg visiting ge com or bg calling 800 GE CARES 800 432 2737 EI Instal...

Page 3: ...itgof electricshock unplug this appliancefrom the power supplg or disconnectthe washerat the building s distribution panel bg removingthe fuse or switching off the circuit breakerbefore attempting ang maintenance or cleaning NOTE Turningthe CgcleSelector Knob to an off position or pressingPAUSE doesNOTdisconnect the appliancefrom the power supply Neverattempt to operate thisappliance if it is dama...

Page 4: Load Size Looselgloadclothes no higherthan the top row of holesin the washer basket The water level shouldjust cover the clothes Adjustthe loadsizeaccordingly Temperature on some models Selectthe water temperature for the wash and rinsecgcles Alwogsfollow fabric monufocturer s core labelor instructionswhen laundering Options on some models 2nd Rinse Option When gou useextra detergent or bleach ...

Page 5: and plagcbthes Forwrinkle free and permanent pressitems and knits Forlingerieand special carefabrics with light to normal soil Foritems labeledhandwashablewith light soils Providesperiodsof agitation and soak duringwash and rinse Forlightlg soiled itemsthat are neededin a hurrg Fordrainingthe tub and spinning water out of the clothes Fornon colorfastcottons and blendsand items that are labele...

Page 6: ...issolvedetergents Often detergentsare not comptetelg dissolvedin verg cold water especialIgincooler climates Duringwinter months when the water entering gour home iscolder or for locations with verg cold water gear round use the PerfecTempplusCOLDto help dissolvepowdered detergentsand to improvethe cleaningof gout clothes The TAPCOLDfeature turns the PerfecTempfeature on gour washer off and usesgo...

Page 7: ...d knits COTTONS For heavy to lightly sailed cottons household linens work and play clothes EASYCARE For wrinkle free and permanent press items and knits DELICATES For lingerie and spedaFcore fabrics with light to normal soil HAND WASH For items labeled handwashable with light soils Provides periods of agitation and soak during wash and rinse SPEEDWASH For lightlg soiled items that are needed in a ...

Page 8: ...he insideof the cup with gour fingers Dispensercup will pop free from the cover _ To clean the dispenser soak both the dispensercup and the dispensercoverin the followingsolution m USgallon 38 liters warm water t 4 cup 60rollheavg dutgliquiddetergent tmi cup 240ml bleach _ Ifnecessarg loosenbuildup with a clean soft cloth after soaking Do not use a stiff brush gou mag roughenthe surfaceof the disp...

Page 9: ...tional items next to the agitator I_ Do not wrap longitems fikesheetsorpants around the agitator m Do not wash fabricscontainingflammable materials waxes cleaningfluids etcJ E Agitationwill nat start with the lidup Care and cleaning of the washer Wash Basket Leavethe lidopenafter washingto allow moisture to evaporate tf you want to clean the basket usea clean soft clothdampened with liquiddetergen...

Page 10: ...ler water temperatures New laundrgdetergents have been formulated to work seems incorrect provide improved energg with cooler water temperatures without affecting wash efficiencg performance Water supplg is turned off Turn both hot and cold faucets fullg on and make sure or improperlg connected hosesare connected to correct faucets Water valve screens are Turn off the water sourceand remove the wa...

Page 11: ...hcoldwater Coloredspots Incorrect use of fabric Checkfabric softenerpackagefor instructionsand follow softener directionsfor usingdispenser Pretreatstain and rewash Dge transfer Sortwhites or lightlg coloreditems from dark colors Grayed or yellowed Not enough detergent Usemore detergent especiallgwith larger loads clothes Besureto follow detergent manufacturer sdirections Herd water Usea water con...

Page 12: ...What To Do Hetallic clicking Shiftermechanism is The drive systemwili engageat the start of agitate and engaging or disengaging disengagewhen agitate is complete Thisoccurs multiple times during the wash Backand forth swoosh Electric motor reversing Thismachinehas adrive system that doesn t usegears or light clicking sound direction Thissound isthe motor rotatingback and forth to agitate during ag...

Page 13: ...Notes ge_com I u_ O 2 o u_ O cn v 0 C ul cn v v 0 13 ...

Page 14: ... 11 Q i 11 I _J Q t Q l E I Notes ...

Page 15: ...ods or acts of Go Incidental or consequential damage caused bg possible defects with this appliance Defects or damage due to operation in freezing temperatures Damage caused after deliverg El Product not accessible to provide required service _ __ I _ION OFIMPLIED WARRANTIES Your sole and exclusiveremedyis product repair as provided in this Limited Warranty Angimplied warranties including the impl...

Page 16: ...y isstill in effect Youcan purchaseit on lineangtime or call 800 6262224 during normal businesshours GEConsumerHome Serviceswilestillbe there after your warranty expires ge com Parts and Accessories ge com Individualsqualifiedto servicetheir ownappliancescan haveparts or accessoriessent directig to their homes VISA MasterCardand Discovercardsare accepted Orderonqinetodag 2z_ hour severy dag or bg ...

Page 17: ... g timpieza de la iavadora 9 Funciones 8 Panel de control 4 6 Consejos para la soluci6n de problemas to tz Soporte al consumidor Garant a 1S Soporte al consumidor 16 Escribu et nBmero de modelo y de serie aquh Noo de modelo Noo de serie Puede encontrarlos bajo la puerta de ta iavadora H _ L _ i L _ L 175D1807P587 49 903i9 t 10 08 JR ...

Page 18: ...ado Debidoa qua elgas es inflamable nofume ni utiliceninguna llamao electrodom6sticodurante el proceso INSTALACIONCORRECTA La favadara se debe instalar _fcalocar correctamente de acuerdo con fas instruccianes de instalaci6n antes de utilizarla Si no recibi6 ta hoja con instrucciones de instalaci6n puede obtener una visitando ge com o ttamanda al 800 GE CARES 800 432 2737 lnstale o almacene la tava...

Page 19: ...eelelectrodomesticodela corriente o desconectelalavadora en el panelde distribuci6n de laviviendaquitando el fusibleo apagando el interruptor antesde realizarcualquier tarea de mantenimiento o iimpieza NOTA ElIlevarlaperillaselectorade aclo a ta posici6nOFFu oprimir PAUSE NO desconecta etetectrodam_stico de la alimentaci6n M No intente en ninguncaso utilizarla tavadora si est6 dorado funciona inco...

Page 20: ...apretarla no sobrepase la fitosuperior de orificios del cesta de la lavadore El nivel de egua apenas debe cubrir ia rope Ajuste el tamaSo de la carga coma corresponda Temperatura an afgunos modetos Seleccione la temperaturo del ague pare los ciclos de lavado g enjuague Cuondo reolice el levado observe siempre las instrucciones o r6tulos de cuidados del fobricante del tejido Opciones an atgunos mod...

Page 21: ...nto Paraprendas ropa decoma detrabajo g dejuego de atgod6n mug o medianamente sucias Paroprendas sin arrugas g con planchado permonenteg ropa de punto Pararopa interior g telas que requierencuidadosespedalescon suciedadleve a norma Paraprendas etiquetadascon lavado a mona y suciedadleve Proporcianaperiodosde agitaci6n g remojo durante el avadog el enjuague Paraprendas poco suciasque se necesitanco...

Page 22: ...los detergentes A menudo los del ergentes no se disuelven par cempfeto en ague mug frio especiolment e en climes con temperatures m6s bajos Durante los meses de invierno cuondo el ague que recibe su hogar estc_m6s fria o en locolidodes con agua mug frJe todo elorhe use el PerfecTemp m6s COLDpore oguder a disolver losdetergentes en polve g limpiar major sus prendos Lo funci6n TAP COLe desect iva lo...

Page 23: ...MATEO Paraeliminar la suciedadsuperficialde prendasmug sucias Aseguresede seguircon un ciclo de lavado regular Paraprendas sinarrugas g con planchado permanente g ropa de punto Paraprendas ropa de cama detrabajo g dejuego de algod6n muy o medianamente sucias Paraprendas sinarrugas g con ptanchadopermanenteg ropa de punto Pararopa interior g telasque requierencuidadosespecialescon suciedadlevea nor...

Page 24: dosificadorase liberar6de la cubierta _ Paretimpiareldosificador remojelataza g lacubiertadosificadoraen lasiguientesoluci6n W 1 gal6n 38 Iitroslde agua caliente W 1 4 taza 60ml dedetergentetiquidorefotzado W Ztaza240 mi de blanqueador _ Sies necesedo reduzcalaecurnutaci6n con un paso suavey limpiodespu6sdel remejo No utiticeun cepillodare podr a daSarla superficiedeldosificador_ _ Enjuagueg vu...

Page 25: ...dva prendaslargoscoma s6banas a pantalonesalrededorde agitador m No lave telasque cantenganmaterialesinflamables comocera lfquidos mpiadores etcJ E Laagitaci6nno comenzardsila puerta est6 levantada Cuidado g I mpieza de la iavadora II II IIII ii11111111111111 11111 Cestade lavado Dejela tapa abierta despu_ s de lavar para quese evaporela humedad Sidesea limpiar elcesta useun patio suave g limpio e...

Page 26: colada qua parece incorrecta del ague proporcionan trabajan con temperatures m6s frias deIague sinafectar magor eficiencia energ_tica el rendimientodeHavado Laprovisi6n de ague est6 Abra losgrifos de ague calienteg ffia g aseg_resede qua cermda o mal conectada las mangueras est6nconectadasa losgrifos correctos Losfiltros de mella de Cierrelafuentede ague y retirelasmanguerasdeconexi6nde le v6Iv...

Page 27: ...Manchas de colores Usa incorrecto del tejido o Lealos instruccionesen el envasedel suavizanteg siga los suavizante recomendacionespara elusa del dosificador Tratelos manchos previamentey vuelva a favorlas prendas Transferencio de colores Separe los prendas blancas o de colores claros de as de COlores oscuros Prendasgrises o No hag detergente suficiente Usem0s detergente enespecialcon cargosm6sgran...

Page 28: ...ibia o frfa demasiado caliente SONIDOS Causas posibles Ou_ hacer Clicmet61ico Elmecanismodeconmutaci6n Elsistemade transmisi6nse engoncha al iniciode la est6 enganchado o suelto agitaci6n g sesuelta cuando 6stase completa Estoocurre variasveces durante el Iovado Silbidos oscilentes Elmotor el_ctrico revierte Estam6quing tiene un sistemade transmisi6nque no usa o sonido ligero clic la direcci6n eng...

Page 29: ...Notas ge com m 2 ro cr tn u_ C 0 t3 0 n w 3 ...

Page 30: ...2 u_ E 0 _A 0 0 Notas 14 ...

Page 31: incendios inundaciones o actos de la naturaleza Dabosimprevistos resultantes causados par posibles defectos con este electrodom_stico_ Oefectoso daSosdebido ala puesta enfuncionemiento a temperaturas de congelaci6n Dabos ceusados despu_s del envio Producto no accesible pare facilitar el servicio requerido_ n i i _fCLUSI _N DE GARANTiAS IHPLiClTAS Su dnico g exclusivederecho es la repuraci6n del...

Page 32: ...mprada en lineaen cuaiquier momenta o Ilamar a18006262224 durante hares norrnalesde oficina GEConsumerHomeServicesestar6aun ahi cuando su garantio terrnine Piezasg accesorios ge com Aquellosindividuoscon la calificaci6nnecesariapare reparar suspropioselectrodom_sticospuedenpedirque se losrnanden laspiezaso accesoriosdirectamente a sus hogares aceptamoslastarjetas VISA lvlasterCard g Discover Haga ...
