2.7 Biopsy
To achieve best possible accuracy of the display of the needle way, the biopsy lines have to be
programmed for each transducer.
To program a Biopsy Line
(chapter 19.1)
of the Basic User Manual for Voluson
The biopsy lines must be programmed once by the service personnel or by the user.
The procedure must be repeated if probes and /or biopsy guides are exchanged.
Before performing a biopsy, make sure that the displayed biopsy line coincides with the needle
track (check in a bowl filled with approx. 47°C warm water!).
The needle used for this alignment verification must not be used for the actual procedure.
Always use a straight, new and sterile needle for each biopsy procedure.
2.8 ECG-preamplifier
The ECG preamplifier type MAN is an option of the ultrasound scanner unit, used to obtain an ECG
signal to mark the systolic and end-diastolic moments in M mode and Doppler evaluations.
The MAN is not intended for ECG diagnosis. It must not be used for an intra-operative application
of the heart.
Monitor: Not for use as a cardiac monitor.
Only the patient cable supplied by GE Medical Systems - Kretztechnik, and only recommended
electrodes must be used.
Take care that neither bare parts of one of the three electrodes nor the patient comes into contact with
conductive parts (e.g., metal parts of the examination bed, trolley, or similar).
If the use of a HF surgical unit with simultaneously connected ECG electrodes becomes necessary, a
large distance of ECG electrodes from the surgical field and a perfect position of the neutral
electrode of the HF surgical unit must be observed (avoiding burning risk).
If the use of a defibrillator becomes necessary, there must be no ECG adhesive electrodes and no
conductive paste between the correct positions of the defibrillator plates (avoiding current bridge; the
signal input of the ECG preamplifier is defibrillator-safe).
For further details and information’s please review:
MAN ECG preamplifier
(chapter 21)
of the Basic
User Manual for Voluson
730 - Instruction Manual
105838 Rev. 3