GE TIM712 User And Care Download Page 9

Summary of Contents for TIM712

Page 1: ...ergy Saver Switch 5 Repair Service 12 Energy Saving Tips 2 SafetyInstructions 3 Food Storage Suggestions 6 Storage Drawer 7 Storage Times 6 Drawer Cover Removal i Ice Trays 7 Temperature Control 5 Installation 3 4 Vacation Moving Tips 8 Adapter Plug 4 Warranty Back Cover Adjustable Legs 4 Clearances 4 Electrical Requirements 3 4 Extension Cord 4 Model TIM712 ...

Page 2: ...aler orbuikicl W soldyou theref rigert tor Savetimeandmoney Beforeyoureqwt service chock theProblemSolveronpttges9 ml 10 Itlistscausesofminoroperating problemsthatyoucancorrect yourself Enew saving tips Rx2pfinergySaverSwitchinthd NOR vlAL positionunlussmoisture formsontheoutsideofthe rcfkigm ftor Besurethedoorsarcclosed tightly Beforehwing thehouse or retiringforthenight checkto be surethecloors ...

Page 3: ...awedice creamshouldbediscarded If the odororcolorofanyfoodispooror questionable getridofit Thefood maybedangerous toeat Evenpartialthawing andrefreezing reducetheeatingqualityoffoods particularlyfruits vegetables and preparedfoods Theeatingquality ofredmeatsisaffectedlessthan thatofmanyotherfoods Use refrozenfoodsassoonaspossibleto saveasmuchoftheireatingquality asyoucanV Myouroldrefrigerator isst...

Page 4: ...stablished e Oflhtension hrdiq Btxmusc ofp 3kxNia1 safkty hazardsunderccrtniri conditions westronglyrecommend againstthe uscofanextension cord However ifyoustillelecttousetinextension cord itisabsolutely mx essflry thut itbea ULlisted wiregrounding typeappliwwe extension cordhaving agrounding typeplugandoutlet andthattheelectricalratingofthe cordbe 15amperes minimum and i20Voltsc The refrigerators...

Page 5: ...low24 hoursfortemperatures tostabilize or evenout eNote lhning thefreshfood controlto 0 stopscoolingin BCYHI mnpartrnents fr esh food Thischangeshouldhavenoeffect onyourfreshfoodcompartment However iffreezingoccurs turn thenumberedcontrolonestep warmer asfrom 5 to 4V NoDefrosting ANDfl Zii Itisnotnecessary todefrostthe freezerorfreshfoodcompartments Yourrefrigeratorisdesignedand equippedtodefrosti...

Page 6: ...tha moist towelhelpsmaintaincrispness Asa furtheraidtofreshness pre packaged vegetables canbe storedintheiroriginalwrapping Tostore icecream Fine quality icecream withhighcream content willnormallyrequire slightlylowertemperatures than more airy already packaged brandswithlowcreamcontent It willbenecessary toexperiment to determinethe freezercompartment locationandtemperaturecontrol settingtokeepy...

Page 7: ...omspilling ontothefloor Itcanberemoved easilybyliftingupslightlyand pullingpastthe stop position Toreplacethedrawerandthe glassshelfaboveit thedoormustbe fullyopened In someinstallations therefrigerator mayhavetobe movedawayfromthewallforthe doortobefullyopened IceService h rrays Foronlyoneortwoicecubes leavethetrayright sideup twist bothendsslightlyandremove desirednumberofcubes m Washtraysinluke...

Page 8: ...xeverythree months Anopenboxofbtiking sodainthefreezerwiIIabsorb stalefrwxerodors Behindrefrigerator Careshouldbetakeninmoving yourrefrigerator awayfromthe wall Alltypesoffloorcoverings canbedamaged particularly cushioned coverings andthose withembossedsurfaces Unscrewburned outbulband replaceitwitha standard40 watt appliance bulb Thenpushbulb guardupandpressinuntilithooks intotheretaininghole Def...

Page 9: ...frozen Hotweather frequent dooropenings Doorleftopen Temperature controisaresettoocold Refertoinstructions foruseof TEMPERATURE CONTROLS onpage5 CheckENERGY SAVING TIPSonpage2 BTemperature controlstartsandstopsmotortomaintaineventemperatures B If refrige ator vibrates morethanlikelyit is notrestingsolidlycmthefloorandfront evelinglegsneedadjustingor floorisweakor uneven RefertoLEVELINGLEGSon age 4...

Page 10: ...dooropenings o Frostwithinpackage isnormal DoormayhavebeenIeilajar Turntemperature offreezercompartment colder YOldcubesneedtobediscarded Unsealedpackages inrefrigerator and orfreezercompartments maybe transmitting odmhte toicecubes UI Interiorofrefrigerator needscleaning refer topage8 0 Notunusualduringperiodofhighhumidity Movetheenergysaverswitchtothe right Toofrequentandtoolongdooropenings In h...

Page 11: ...furdwrhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GEAppliances AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky 40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20 NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois60...

Page 12: ...ACTORY SERViCE GENERAL ELECTi3iC HOTPOiNT FACTORYSERViCE or GENERAL ELECTRiC CUSTOMER CARE SERViCE WHATs No r COVERED Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product Read your We and Care material if you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your deaier or our Consumer Affairs office at the address beiow or cali toii free GE Answer Center 800 626 2000 co...
