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Summary of Contents for TFX24P

Page 1: ...0 11 FoodStorageSuggestions 9 TemperatureControls 8 StorageTimes 9 Vacation MovingTips H Ice ChilledWaterDispenser 5 7 Warranty BackCover Icemaker 5 7 WaterFilterAccessory 7 Installation 3 4 AdjustableRollers 4 Clearances 4 ElectricalRequirements 3 4 ExtensionCord 4 Grounding 3 Location 4 WaterSupplytoIcemaker 4 LightBulbReplacement 13 Izllnswel ntW Modeland SerialNumbers 2 Mdd TFXMP withIce Chill...

Page 2: ...etimeandmoney Beforeyourequest service check theProblemSolveronpages14 through17 It listscausesofminor operatingproblemsthatyoucan correctyourself Locationofyourrefrigeratoris important Avoidlocatingit nextto yo rrange a heatingven or where the sunwillshinedirectlyonit Don topenthedoorsmoreoften thannecessary Closethedoorsas soonas possible particularlyinhot humidweather Besurethedoorsareclosed ti...

Page 3: ...thaveanyoff odoror off colorshouldnotberefrozen tid shouldnotbe eaten Thawed icecreamshouldbe discarded If theodoror colorofanyfoodis po orquestionable getrid ofit Thefoodmaybe dangeroustdeat EN partial thawing andrefreezing A Beforemakinganyrepairs Note Westronglyrecommend thatanyservicingbeperformed byaqualifiedindividual B Beforecleaning Cl Beforereplacingaburned out lightbulb therefrigeratorsh...

Page 4: ...becauseit willnotrunoftenenough to maintainpropertemperatures Do instdllit cma floor strong enough to support it fullyIoaded AlsoseeEnergy Saving Tips regardinglocation Allowthefollowing clearancesfor easeofinstallation properair circulation andplumbingand electricalconnections Sides 5 8 Top 1 Back 1 Allowthe following doorclearance Sides 3 4 water to Youwillneedtoconnectyour icemakertoa coldwater...

Page 5: ...locking thechute pokeitthrough witha woodenspoon TUl help keepbitsdice from beingsprayed the gkss placeglassclosetoicechute butnotsoclosethatit blocks outcomingice k moth intothin gk ses9fineebb m delicatecrystah they ca crackor chipfromthecombinedpressureof yourhandpressingthemagainstthe cradleandicedroppingintothe container Ice be h fm glasswith soda IWother beveragemixes Thiswillprevent splashi...

Page 6: ...ositionglassbeneath wordsCHILLEDWATER LMercertainrarecircumstances icecubesmaybe discolored usuallyappearingwitha green Muishhue Thecauseofthis um maldiscolorationis apparently duetoa combination offactorssuchascertain characteristicsoflocalwaters householdplumbingandthe accumulationofcoppe saltsin an inactivewatmsupplyline whichfeedsi eicemaker Continued of suchdiscoloredicecubesmay be injurioust...

Page 7: as fresh tasingasthe waterthatproducesthem That swhyit sa good ideatopuri yourwater witha waterfilter met Caulmps Fomli in storage lb TheIcernakerejectscubesin groupsofeight andit isnormalfor severalcubestobejoinedtogether However ifyoudon tusetheice veryofteniceclumpsmayformin hestoragebinandcanclogthe iispenser Itsactivatedcharcoal removesmusty stale odorsandunpleasant medicinal metallic tast...

Page 8: ...set M youturn your household thermostat bdo w 60 F at night YOU rnaY want toturnthelettered controlonestepcolder asfrom C to D Coolertemperaturesinthe housemaycausethecompressorto operatelessfrequently thus allowingthe freezercompartment to warmsomewhat Toprotectyour frozenfoodsupply leaveyour letteredsettingat thiscoldersetting fortheentirewinteror forwhatever periodoftimeyouareturningdown yourth...

Page 9: ...yfoodsthey ve beendesigned topreserve l esedrawersare describedonpagel l Tostoreicecream Fine quality icecream withhighcream content willnormallyrequire slightlylowertemperatures than more airy alreadpackageded brandswithlowcreamcontent Itwillbenecessarytoexperimentto determinethe freezercompartment locationandtemperaturecontrol settingtokeepyouricecream at therightservingtemperature Therearofthef...

Page 10: ...s o Celery Parsley ripe o Peas green Asinanyrefrigeratedstoragearea it is recommended thatodorom foodsbestoredwrapped foods suchas oBroccoli Cabbage o Parsnips oBrussels e eaulifl er oTurnips Sprouts e Greenonions Storagetimewilldependuponthe typeoffoodandits onditi when placedinthedrawer Excesswaterwhichmayaccumulate inthebottomoftheMoist nFresh drawershouldbepouredoutand thedrawerwipeddry TheMoi...

Page 11: ... at thesametime pushit backuntilit clearsthefrontcorner retainers 4 Tiltandremovethecover 5 Pullthedrawerforward liflthe fronttoclearstops andremovethe drawer If therefrigeratordoor doesn topencompletely pullthe draweroutuntilit hitsthedoor Thenlifithedrawerupuntilit is higherthanthedrawersupports tiltit andtakeit out 6 If tapeholdsConvertible Meat Pancovertodrawersupports removethetape Pulldrawer...

Page 12: ...outofspongeor cloth whencleaningaroundswitches lightsor controls Usewarmwaterandbakingsoda solution about a tablespoonof bakingsodatoa quartofwater Thisbothcleansandneutralizes odors Rinsethoroughlywithwater andwipedry Otherpartsoftherefrigerator includingdoorgaskets meatand vegetabledrawers icestorage binandallplasticparts can be cleanedthesameway Do notuse cleansingpowdersor otherabrasive cleane...

Page 13: ...nboxof bakingsodain refrigerator Leave doorsopen Forshortervacations remove perishablefoodsandleavecontrols atregularsettings However if roomtemperatureisexpectedto dropbelow60 F followsame instructionsas forextended vacations MoveicemakerfeelerarmtoOFF up positionandbe sureto shutoff watersupplytotherefrigerator when you move Disconnectpowercordfromwall outlet removeallfoodandclean anddrytheinter...

Page 14: ... TROLSonpage8 Mb an condenserneedclpaning Refertopage12 CheckENERGY SAVING TH on page2 lklOIORSTARTS Tein raturecoqtrol sgutsandstopsmotorto maintaineventemperatures KKlps FREQUENTLY VHM ATION 011 If refriger tcir vibrates morethanlikelyit isnotrestingsolidlyonthefloorandfront RATTLING rollerscrewsor frc nt cling kgs needadjustingor floorisweakor uneven Referto IUXJXKl orip ge4 If disheswibrate on...

Page 15: pipesasicernakerrefills FRESHFOOD Temperature cbntrolhot setcoldenough Q l lf M fi 3NTROLS ORFREEZER onpage8 COMPARTMENT Warmweather frequent dooropenings J TEMPERATURE TOOWARM L Doorleftopenfortook fig ti e c L Ø j I j L ac e aY be holding door qj j i 1 1 FOODSDRYOUT Foodsnotcovered wrappe or sealedpr ˆ î ï ð ÿÿ 1 FROSTORICE Doormayhavebeenleftajaror package h okiiiig efi CRYSTALS 0 FROZENFOOD...

Page 16: ...ER HASPOOR If waterdispenserhasnotbeenusedforanextendedperiod dispensewaterin TASTWODOR regularmanneruntilallwaterin reservoiris replenishedwithfreshwater Poor tasting incomingwater Install waterfilter see page7 WATER IN FIRST Allowabout24hoursforwaterto cooltopropertemperatureafterrefrigeratorisfirst GLASSIS WARM installed If waterdispenserhasnotbeenusedforextendedperiod waterinfirstglasswillnot ...

Page 17: ...outlater leavingwateroriceonthefloor Defrostwaterpanfull missingornotinposition REITUGERATQR Foodswithstrong odors shouldbeti tlyCovered r HASODOR s Checkforspoiledfood Interiorneedscleaning l efer topagk12 a Defrostwater antie cleaqing Keepopenboxo baking sodakir frig ator pj c kver tir e o ths n INTERIORLIGHT a Nopoweratoutlet DOESNOTLIGHT Lightbulbneedsreplacing Se6page Q EJŠ Ù œ0È 1È 0È Ifyoun...

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Page 19: ...erhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouarenotpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT if youarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations GEAppliances AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky 40225 FIN 4LLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois60606...

Page 20: ... GENERALELECTRiC FACTORY SERViCE GENERALELECTRiC HOTPOiNTFACTORY SERVICEor GENERALELECTRIC CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE IShim servicet pstoyourhometo Replacement of housefusesor teachyouhowto usetheproduct resettingofcircuitbreakers ReadyourUseandCarematerial Ifyouthenhaveanyquestions ID Faiiureoftheproductif it is used forotherthanitsintendedpurpose aboutoperatingthe product pieasecontactyourdeaierorour...
