Page 1: ... SafetyInstructions FoodStorage Suggestions 6 9 Shelves 7 8 Storage Times 6 StorageDrawers 9 11 Icemaker 12 Drawer CoverRemoval 10 11 Icemaker AccessoryKit 13 Temperature Controls 5 Ice Trays 13 Vacation MovingTips 15 Installation 3 4 Warranty BackCover Adapter Plug 4 Water Filter Accessory 13 AdjustableRollers 4 Clearances 4 Electrical Requirements 3 4 Extension Cord 4 Grounding 3 4 Models TBX20 ...
Page 2: ...hedoorsareclosed tightly Beforeleavingthehouse or retiringforthenight checkto be surethedoorshaven t beenleft openaccidentally Storeonlythosefoodsrequiring refrigeration inyourrefrigerator Wipemoisturefrombottlesand cartonsbeforeputtingtheminthe refrigerator Keepfoodscoveredtoreduce moisturebuildupinsidethe refrigerator If you turn the controls to the coldest position for quick chilling or freezin...
Page 3: ... fishthathaveanyoff odoror off color shouldnotbe refrozen and shouldnotbeeaten Thawedice creamshouldbediscarded Ifthe odoror colorofanyfoodispooror questionable getrid ofit Thefood maybedangerous toeat Evenpartialthawing andrefreezing reducetheeatingqualityoffoods particularlyfruits vegetables and preparedfoods Theeatingquality ofredmeatsisaffected lessthan thatofmanyotherfoods IJse refrozen foods...
Page 4: ...ngcircuits which could causea fire hazard from overheatingwires Refrigerator location Install the refrigeratoron a floor strong enoughto support it when it is fully loaded Do not installrefrigeratorwhere temperaturewill go below 60 F becauseitwillnotrunoftenenough tomaintainpropertemperatures AlsoseeEnergy Saving Tips regardinglocation clearances AHOW the followingclearances foreaseofinstallation ...
Page 5: leaveyourZettered settingatthiscoldersettingforthe entirewinterorforwhatever period oftimeyouareturningdownyour thermostat Thisisespecially importantwhenthethermostat is turneddownforanextended period Thischangeshouldhavenoeffect onyourfreshfoodcompartment However if freezingoccurs turn thenumberedcontrolonestep warmer asfrom 5 to 41 Whenyoustopturningthe thermostatdown turntemperature cont...
Page 6: cream Fine quality icecream withhighcream content willnormallyrequire slightlylowertemperatures than more airy already packaged brandswithlowcreamcontent Itwillbenecessary toexperiment to determinethe freezercompartment locationandtemperature control settingtokeepyouricecreamat therightservingtemperature Therearofthefreezer compartment is slightlycolderthanthefront ripson freezingfoods Therear...
Page 7: ...ens refrigerators freezers andaredishwasher safe QuickServeTh dishesonlyaresafe foruseinconventional ovensat temperatures upto400 F CAUTION Lids cannot withstandthe heat generatedin conventionalovens Dishes and lids are not designed for range top cooking or broiler use Fhch use can be hazardous Temperedglassshelves onmodels soequipped are adjustableinthe samemanner 7 ion the on rnodeis soequipped ...
Page 8: ...etwo position shelf liftonesideandmoveit sideways to freetheendsoftheshelffromthe holesinthewalk Thentiltthe shelfandtakeitout Toreinstallthe shelf firstinsertoneendandthenthe other intothe secondset of holes I vlldti l osition shelf Thisshelfcanbemovedto several a To relocatethe Quick Moreunit liftthebinhousingupandoutof theslotsonthedoor moveit tothe desirednewlocation andlowerthe hooksonthehous...
Page 9: ...shes Beets topped Currants Rhubarb Blueberries Greens leafy LB Spinach Carrots Lettuce e Tomatoes Celery CIParsley ripe Peas green As in any refrigeratedstoragearea it is recommendedthat foods with strong odorsbe storedwrapped foodssuchas Broccoli Cabbage Parsnips IBBrussels Cauliflower Turnips Sprouts GreenOnions cool FreshDrawer on modelssoequipped Thisrefrigerated drawerisdesigned toprovidelowe...
Page 10: ...ltandremovetheglasscover TOItw m2 L Fit the hookson the drawer frameinto the second from the bottomslotson the tracks at the rear ofthe refrigeratorand lower the front ofthe frame until it locks intopositionand restson the front supportsat each side 1 I 1 1 2 Putthedrawerslidesbackon theframe Theslopedendsmust I beat the front 5 6 Removethe3 drawerslides Remove thedrawerframeas follows Liftthefron...
Page 11: ...t COLDEST air from the freezer is forced aroundthe drawerto keep it very cold Youcan movethe drawerto any locationfor storageof itemsother than fresh meats I The variabletemperaturecontrol leverletsyouregulatethe amount of cold air surroundingthe drawer When the leveris allthe wayUp thedamperovertheopeniflg inthe drawerisfullyopentoprovidethe coldeststoragearea When theleveris all the way down the...
Page 12: ... tused caution Undercertainrare circumstances icecubesmay bediscolored usud lyappearing withagreen bluish hue The causeofthisunusual discoloration isapparendy duetoacombination offactorssuchascertain characteristics oflocalwaters householdplumbingandthe accumulation ofcoppersaltsin an inactivewatersupplyline whichfeedstheicemaker Continuedconsumption ofsuch discoloredicecubesmaybe injurioustohealt...
Page 13: ...t offvalve fittingsand instructions neededtoconnectthe icemakertoyourcoldwaterlineis alsoavailable atextracost Wash ice traysand storagebin in lukewarm water only Donotput theminanautomaticdishwasher The perfect to immmw U a water filter accessory Yourice cubescan only be as fresh tastingas the waterthat produces them That swhy it sa goodideato purify your waterwith a water filter Its activatedcha...
Page 14: ... tablespoonof baking sodato a quart of water This both cleansand neutralizes odors Rinsethoroughlywith water and wipe dry Other parts of the refrigerator includingdoor gaskets meat and vegetabledrawers QuickStoreunit ice storagebin and allplasticparts can be cleanedthe sameway Do not use cleansingpowdersor other abrasivecleaners Tohelp preventodors leavean open box of baking sodain the rear of the...
Page 15: ...ortervacations remove perishablefoodsand leavecontrols at regular settings However if room temperatureis expectedto drop below60 F followsame ins ructions asforextended vacations If your refrigeratorhas an icernaker movetheicemaker feelerarmtotheOFF up position andbesuretoshutoffthewater supplytotherefrigerator 4 iI a 15 whim you maw Disconnectthe powercord from the walloutlet removeall foodand cl...
Page 16: ...esettoocold Refertopage5 Grilleandcondenserneedcleaning Refertopage14 CheckENERGY SAVING TIPSonpage2 Temperature controlstartsandstopsmotortomaintaineventemperatures If refrigerator vibrates morethanlikelyitisnotrestingsolidlyonthefloor Thefront rollerscrewsneedadjusting orfloorisweakoruneven RefertoROLLERS onpage4 Ifdishesvibrateon shelves trymovingthem Slightvibrationisnormal Thehighspeedcompres...
Page 17: ...emakerfeelerarminOFF up position Watersupplyturnedoffor notconnected Freezercompartment toowarm Cubestoosmall water shutoffvalveconnecting refrigerator tohomewaterline maybeclogged Doormayhavebeenleftajar Turntemperatureoffreezercompartment colder Oldcubesneedtobediscarded Icestoragebinneedstobe emptiedandwashed Unsealedpackagesinrefrigeratorand orfreezercompartments maybetransmitting odor tasteto...
Page 18: ...ur chasea GEcontractwhtieyourwar rantyissttilin effectandyou llreceive a subs tid discount Witha mtitiple yearcontrac you reassured of fiture serviceattoday s prices Telecommunication Detice for theDed days Qur factory trained technicians knowyourapplianceinsideandout so mostrepairscanbe handed injust one visit Ill tidM quwled to Sefice e on appfianeescan haveneeded par or accessories sent directi...
Page 19: ...tsto your home All warrantv service will be provided by our Fac ory Service Centers or by our authorized CustomerCare servicersduring normal working hours Look in the White or YellowPages of your telephone directory for GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY GENERAL ELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICEor GENERAL ELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE SERVICE Service trips to your home to teach you how ...