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Summary of Contents for TBF12

Page 1: ...g Tips p2 How theEnergy Saver Switch works p5 owlong should YOU store foods p6 Save timeandmoney Before yourequest service usetheProblem Solver p The GEAnswer centeF800 626 2o Your Direct Line toGeneral Ek ie FFFD4T6 s 3 gy GE ME RAL S ELECTRIC 4TQ4371 z ...

Page 2: ... or write includeyourphone number ConsumerAffairs GeneralElectricCompany AppliancePark Louisville KY40225 White down the model and serialnumbers You ll findthemona labelat the bottom just insidethe freshfood compartmentdoor Thesenumbersare alsoon the ConsumerProductOwnership Registrationcard that camewith yourrefrigerator Beforesending in thiscard pleasewritethese numbershere Model Number Serial N...

Page 3: ...f odoror off colorshouldnotberefrozenand shouldnot be eaten Thawedice creamshouldbe discarded If the odor or colorof any foodispoor or questionable get rid of it The food maybe dangerousto eat Evenpartialthawingandrefreez ingreduce the eatingqualityof foods particularlyfruits vegeta bles andpreparedfoods Theeating cmalitvof red meats is affectedless than that of manyother foods Use refrozenfoodsas...

Page 4: ...cord hav inga groundingtypeplugandoutlet andthat the electricalratingofthe cord be 15amperes minimum and 120volts Suchextensioncords are obtainablethroughyourlocal serviceorganization The refrigerator should always b plugged into its owmindividual electrical outlet 115 volt 60Hertz or 100volt 50Hertz singlephaseAC Thisis recommendedforbestperformance and to preventoverloadinghouse wiringcircuits w...

Page 5: ...n page8 Forcolderorwarmertemperatures adjustthe desiredcompartment controlone letter or numberat a time aWORTANT en initiallysetting the controls or when adjustingthem allow 24 hoursfor the temperaturesto stabil ize or even out VVhen the Energy Saver Switch is pushedto the right electricityflows throughthe lowwattageheaters whichwarmthe outsideof the cabi net and under mostconditions prevent the f...

Page 6: ...eshness pre packagedvegetablescan be stored in their originalwrapping Tostoreicecream Fine quality ice cream withhighcream content willnormallyrequire slightlylowertemperaturesthan more airy already packaged brandswithlowcream content It willbe necessaryto experiment to determinethe freezercompart ment locationandtemperaturecon trol settingto keep yourice cream at the rightservingtemperature The r...

Page 7: ...lybyliftingup slightlyand pullingpast the stop position TOreplace the drawerandthe glass shelf aboveit thedoormustbefully opened In someinstallationsthe refrigeratormayhave to be moved awayfrom the wallfor the door to be fullyopened Ice Ti ay To releaseice cubes inverttray and twistit at bothends I For ordyone or two ice cubes leavethe tray right sideup twist both endsslightlyand remove desirednum...

Page 8: ... Alltypesof floorcoverings can bedamaged particularlycush ionedcoveringsand thosewith embossedsurfaces Defrost WaterPan Defrost water pan Pan locatedon top ofcompressor at rear of refrigeratorshouldbe cleaned at least once a year DO NOTREMOVEPAN Moverefrig erator out fromwallasfar as neces sary and unplugpowercord from walloutlet before cleaningpan Use a clean cloth or spongedamp ened inwarmwatera...

Page 9: ...elycool down e Largeamountsof food placedin refrigeratorto becooledor frozen o Hot weather frequentdoor openings Door left open Temperature controlsare set too cold Refer to instructionsfor use of TEMPE ATU RE CONTROIAon page 5 e Check ENERGY SAVINGTIPS on page 2 Temperaturecontrol starts andstopsmotorto maintaineventemperatures If refrigerator vibrates more than likelyit isnot restingsolidlyon th...

Page 10: ...requentand too longdoor openings Frost ivithin packageisnormal Doormayhavebeenleft ajar Turntemperatureof freezercompartmentcolder Oldcubesneed to be discarded Unsealedpackagesin refrigeratorand or freezercompartmentsmay be transmittingodorhste to icecubes Interiorof refrigeratorneedscleaning referto page 8 Notunusualduringperiodof highhwpidity Movethe energysaverswitchto the right Toofrequent and...

Page 11: ...Relations GeneralElectricCompany AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemisstillnotresolved write MajorApplianceConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois60606 x vice Contracts keepyourappliancein goodoperating Fortrouble freesernce beyond conditionduringthe contractperiodat the writtenwarrantyperiod no additionalcharge Servicecontracts let youpay today spricesfor ...

Page 12: to your home to teach you how to use the product Readyour Useand care rnateriaL if you then have any questions about operating the product piease contact your deaier or our Consumer Affairs office at the address beiow or cali toii free The GE Answer CenterTM 800 626 2000 consumer information service e Improper installation If you have an installation problem contact your deaier or instalier You...
