GE Simon XT Quick User Guide
Page 5
Trouble Conditions
When a trouble condition is detected, six rapid beeps will sound every minute until the problem is
resolved. Press the STATUS button or arm/disarm the system to silence the beeps. They will resume
after four hours unless the problem has been corrected.
AC Failure:
This occurs if your system has been accidentally unplugged or there is a
power outage in your area. Any status lights go out immediately and trouble
beeps start after 5 minutes. If the AC Power is not restored within the
programmed period of time, the panel will dial the Central Station. The backup
battery should last anywhere from 18 to 24 hours with no AC Power.
System Battery
The emergency backup battery in the control panel is low and must be
recharged or replaced. If AC power is out, the security system will shut down
once the battery is below the operating level. When AC power is restored, the
panel should recharge the battery. If the low battery condition exists more
than 24 hours after AC power is restored, the battery is too old to fully charge
and must be replaced. If the low battery is not related to a power outage, then
the battery needs to be replaced. Batteries are available at Keyhole Security
or call for service.
Restoration of
This condition occurs after a complete loss of power (AC and battery). When
power is restored, the panel will return to the arming state with the same
zones bypassed it had prior to losing power.
Sensor Failure:
This condition occurs if a sensor is not communicating with the panel. Trouble
beeps start and the STATUS button will light up. Press the STATUS button
and the display will show what sensors have failed. Perform sensor tests. You
may need to call Keyhole Security for assistance if the problem continues.
Sensor Low
A sensor has a low battery. Make sure the system is disarmed and replace
the battery. Refer to the information packet provided at installation or visit
for replacement
instructions. Call Keyhole Security if service is required.
The system can’t communicate with the monitoring company. The system
tries to send a report 3 times before indicating Phone Failure Trouble, then
makes 5 more reporting attempts. If your phones are not working, wait for
phone service to return and press STATUS to clear the trouble condition. If
your phones are working, call Keyhole Security for service.
Sensor Open:
This condition occurs if a door or window is open or a system sensor has
been disturbed and not reset properly. For example, a door/window sensor
magnet may have been removed from the sensor. Your system will indicate
this condition to you by causing the STATUS button to light up. When you
press the STATUS button, the display shows, for example, Sn 1 Front Door
Open. Correct the problem by resetting the sensor. If this condition continues,
call Keyhole Security for service.
Sensor Tamper:
This condition occurs when a sensor is physically tampered with, for example,
the cover is taken off of one of the sensors. If the system is armed an alarm
will occur. Your system ill indicate this condition to you by causing the
STATUS button to light up. Trouble beeps will start. Press the STATUS button
and the display will show Sen # Name Tampered. Correct the problem by
resetting the sensor. If the condition continues, call Keyhole Security for
Clearing Status:
Some types of status conditions, such as alarm history, must be cleared
manually. To clear system status, press the STATUS button, read and/or
listen to the status messages, then press DISARM. If the trouble condition
was a low system battery, perform a sensor test. The STATUS light should
turn off if all trouble conditions have been corrected.