Each cam has one number and seven letters
around the shaft opening on one side of the cam and
eight letters on the other side of the cam. When
removing cams, mark the letter of the cam which
corresponds to the shaft identification mark; thus
cam and cam followers are removed in succession.
This is done to each succeeding-barrier.
When reassembling, it is only necessary to
stack the cams back into the shaft in the same order
as taken off, keeping the proper cam letter lined
up with the shaft identification mark.
Before tightening the tie bolts into the front
support, make sure that all the barriers are properly
Control and Transfer Switch Type SBM GEH-2038
The parts which fit into the front support may
now be assembled, placing the stops, if present, in
their proper position with respect
the shaft
identification mark.
is recommended that sufficient quantities of
renewal parts be carried in stock to enable the
prompt replacement of any that are worn, broken
or damaged.
When ordering renewal parts, address the
nearest Sales Office
the General Electric Com
pany, specify quantity required, name of part wanted,
and give complete nameplate data.
. ElectricalPartManuals
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