GE RGA724PK Training Bulletin Download Page 3

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5.   Push orifi ce down through burner box and 

remove the tube assembly from the range.

6.   Use a 




-in. wrench to remove the valve from 

the gas line.


The spark module is located on the back of the 
oven, near the bottom. It is protected by a metal 
housing.  The spark module is mounted with two 
tabs, which snap into corresponding slots. To 
remove the module, use a flat blade screwdriver  to 
bend the tabs toward the module body and release 
the tab from the slot.

Spark Module


The range has 2 spark electrodes. They have 
different part numbers due to wire length.  The wires 
are held in a retaining clip below the burner box. 
The burner box must be removed to route the wires 
correctly when replacing an electrode.

Spark Electrodes

When replacing the spark electrodes, tie a string to 
the spark electrode wire as shown. From the top of 
the range, pull the spark electrode wire up through 
the range. Use the string to pull the new spark 
electrode wire back through the range. 

Spark Electrode Wire


