GE Monogram WWA9800M Use And Care Manual Download Page 14

Summary of Contents for Monogram WWA9800M

Page 1: ...otscrubber Cycle 4 10 11 21 CycleSettings 5 Stains 21 Detergents Other Additives 16 20 Stain RemovalGuide 22 Energy SavingTips 7 Storage VacationTips 29 FabricSoftener Dispenser 6 8 10 User Maintenance Instructions 29 Filter Flo Pan 4 7 8 10 15 29 Warranty Back Cover Hard Water 19 Limestone Deposits 17 29 Loading 4 15 Mini BasketTMTub 8 11 Mini Quick Cycle 9 Modeland Serial Numbers 2 GEAmw r cente...

Page 2: ... espafiolde estemanual name a GEAnswerCenter serviciode informaci6n paraelconsumidor te16fono 800 626 2000 FOR YOUR SAFm Ifyousmell gas 1 open Windowsa 2 Don ttouch electrical switches 3 Extinguishany open flame 4 Immediatelycail yourgasSuppliera Oon tturn e ectricswitches on oro because sp rksmay ignitethe gas 1 FOR YOUR SAFEW Do not Stem or use gasoline Orotller flammable vapom and liquids in th...

Page 3: ...detergents bleaches fabricsotiners etc outofthereachofchildren preferably inalockedcabinet Observe allwarningson containerlabelsto avoidpersonalinjury Keepthe area aroundand underneathyourappliancesfree fromtheaccumulationofcombustible materials suchas lint paper rags chemicals etc Keepthe flooraround your appliancescleanand dry to reduce thepossibilityofslipping To minimizethepossibility ofelectr...

Page 4: ...nt of detergent See pages 16thro gh 19 for information ORdeterge ts and fher idditives Load clothesintothe washbasket beingcarefulnotto overload Clothes should be below retainingring See page B for moreloadingMormation Positionthe Filter Flo pan on the agitator Lint will collect in the pan for easy removalwhen the wash is finished N E Do not use the Filter Flo pan as a wash basket Do not put any i...

Page 5: ...opthe washerand reset to the newpositioil Setting can be changedat anytime Permanent mess and see p es uand H for ah cycRes controls setihg Gtide For permanent press and knits loads such as shim blouses dresses and similar wearing apparel with normal soiling An extendedcool down spray rinse is providedto minimizewrinkling Spotscrubber Cycle M hathappemineachsetting approximateminutis Regularcycles...

Page 6: ...cycle _ Selector knob to completethe cycle Measure bleachcarefilly Here are some recommended amounts Addenough waterto fill the cup 1 2full EXTRA LARGE WATER LEVEL I cup 310ml liquid Pour the diluted softenerintothe dispenser The fabric sofienerwill automaticallybe dispensed at the proper time SMALL WATERLEVEL 2 3 cup 170 ml liquid MINI BASKET TUB 1 4cup 60ml liquid Do notstop the washerduring the...

Page 7: ...pto 150 F on a regularbasisonly when washing heavilysoiledarticles such as work and playclothes Under normal soiiconditions washin water above80 F C This generallymeansusingthe WarmWashtemperaturesetting on yourwasher temperatures approximately90 to llO F or hand comfo ble If you notice that soilhas accumulatedafier severalconsecutivewashings use Hot Washoccasionally if safe for fabrics Alwaysrins...

Page 8: ...t into the Mini Basket tub along with your detergent Do not put powdered bleach into the bleach dispenser SpeciaE imtruatiam for we ofthe Mini BasIiePtub oDo not wash clothes in the When washing stockings regular wash basket when using panty hose and other easily the Mini Basket tub tangled items alwayshandle Shake sand and or loose dirt separately Tominimize tangling out of clothes before loading...

Page 9: ...electorknobto start washer Cyclewill be completed automatically math pp du iw the w Qtick cycle Wash 3minutes Spin l minutes Rinse l minutes Spin 2 minutes TotalTime 13 minutes Totaltime includespauses betweeneach phase of the cycle Totaltime does not include water fdl times FiIltimesvary depending on household water pressure 1 specialimtructiom for we Ofthe Mini BasketT tab ...

Page 10: ...veragesizetablecloth or 3 shirtsor blouses or 1shirt and 1pair of slacks or 1fill sizebedsheet or 3 5 babygarments or 5 6 undergarments 1 RemoveFilter Flopan Wu 2 Place Mini Baskettub on agitator Pull the agitatortoward the front of the machine for easier installationand removalof Mini Baskettub 3 Put detergentin the bottom of the Mini Basket tub beforeloading the clothes about the same amount you...

Page 11: ...s don overloadthe Mini Basket tub Itk better to do two loads so laund y can move freely in the wate I When agitationbegins the SPOTSCRUBBERcontrol moves counterclockwisefor about half a minute A sharp distinctivesound will be heard soon after agitation begins This is the soundof the water recirculation systemcutting off to keep the concentrated detergent solutionin the Mini Basket tub When agitati...

Page 12: ... garments if machine washing Gentle Gentle Warm Permanent PressandKnitsCycles Setat Knits E PressSetting Warm Permanent PressandKnitsCycles Gentle Gentle isrecommended I Normalor LightSoilS depending onamountofs BabyClothes Sturdy suchasDiapers I Normal Normal Nightgowns Shirts Pads Sheew Receiving Blankets Coverails Hot RegularCycles Spotscrubber Cycl Permanent PressandKnitsCycles Spotscrubber Cy...

Page 13: ...rsina covered pailofcold waterandconditioning agentlike Borateem brand nlynon chlorine bleachwhenneeded Youmayprefertousea mild type detergent Dohand knit garmentsbyhandor inMini Basket tub see page8 0 bleach Fillwasher adddetergent allowdetergenttodissolve beforeaddingblanket Doone blanketatatime Pretreatheavilysoiledspotswithliquiddetergent o bleach Onelectricblanket sewastrongpieceofclothoverpl...

Page 14: ... removestainsand stubbornsoil automatically seepage 10 and referto the StainRemovalchart on page22 when youelect to pre treat and scrub stainsby hand Turn PolyKnitsinside outto minimizefabric surfacedamage Soaking Boosensdeep soilsand shins A thorough soakingwith detergent or specialsoakingagent is another wayto removeheavy soils embedded dirt and even some _ stains ti soaking can be either a comp...

Page 15: ...g Ring showsa proper load Clothes have ample room to movebecause they are not packed down nor wrapped around the agitator Clothes are loaded dry since wet items are apt to pack down which encourages overloading This size load requires a full water fill what is the best size load of clothes large9 medium9 or small save tin2e3 energy and detergent by avoidingextra use of the washer Try to wash a fil...

Page 16: ...nin cold water Help make clothes fluffy and soft Reduce static electricity Perform wellin sofiwater Are notavailablein someareas Generallydo notcleanwellin hardwa er Maybedifficdt todissolve especiallyincoldwater Shouldmt beusedin coldwater Thosecontainingsodium carbonateasan ingredientmay causeharmti limestonedeposifi onclothesandwasherwhen combinedwithhardwater Seepage 17 May notperform as wella...

Page 17: ...h phosphate Wd Wmx pmctiea ma delay Mabne we h Cloth The followingrecommendations will temporarily delay the effects of limestone on yourclothes These are generally goodwashing practices and will givebetter soil removalwhether or not you have hard water or use carbonate detergent Use hotter wash water for exampleup to 1500for cottons This also improvesoily soil removal If you wash in cooler water ...

Page 18: ... agitator If yourdetergentdoesn tdissolve well pre dissolvethe detergentin hot waterthen pourdirectly into the wash basket Touse granular or powdered detergent inthe Mfii Basket tub put detergentin the bottomof Mini Basket tub beforeloadingclothes To use liquid detergent in regular clothesbasketor Mini Baskettub followpackagedirections W ater tivel Setting Water RegularWash B ket MiniBasket b Hard...

Page 19: ...water If youhave HARD water less than 10grains and you usephosphatedetergent you alsohaveno problem But if youhavemore than 10 grains youwill need to softenyour waterwith either 1 An installedwater softenerin yourhome or 2 The use ofa packagedwater sofiener Forinformationon water softeners see guide below Add tlfi much Ivakr Whner dth a M water level Grainsof hardness o lo 10 u 15 20 20 25 25 30 o...

Page 20: ...tly intowasherorondryclothes 2 Someoftoday s washable fabricsshouldnotbechlorine bleachedsuchas 1 cottonflame retirdant children s sleepwear silk wool mohair spandex leather ornon fast colors Dilutebleachbefore usingonanyfabric 3 Checkmanufacturer s hangtagsforspecialinstructions 1 Maybeusedonallkindsoffabrics 2 Ismosteffective inhotwater 1 Helpsmakeclothesfluffyandsoft 2 Reduces staticelectricity...

Page 21: ...ough rinsing Washwith recommended amount lfsoap or detergent shin Removal Hint using ch orineBleachfor Whiteand Bleaehabje Fabrics Mix 1 4cup 60ml chlorinebleach withonegallon 3 8liter ofcool water approximately 80 F C in a sinkor pan Soakstainedarea for5minutesandlaunderinwasher The case Of the Invisible shin Food or cookingoils on your syntheticgarmentsmay cause stains which are virtually invisi...

Page 22: ...d spongewithdrycleaningfluid or usespraycleaner Apply undilutedliquiddetergent Oldstains bleachperStainRemoval Hintonpage21 Softenwithoil lardor petroleumjelly thenspongewith turpentineor bananaoil Launderin warmwater TreatstainwithcommercialspotremoversuchastexizeK2r brand following manufacturer s directions Repeatif necessary Launderanddry Sameaswhiteandbleachablefabrics Sameaswhiteandbleachable...

Page 23: ... amount of bleach according to packagedirections Not enough detergentto hold lint in suspensionduring wash cycle Increase amount of detergent Seepage 18 Incorrect use of fabric softener If used in wash cycle softeners may react with detergentto create a white deposit Use softeners in rinse cycleonly unlesspackage specifies adding to wash cycle Use Fabric Softener Dispenser See page 6 Pillingusuall...

Page 24: ...a 30 minutesoak is sufficient However when using extendedsoaksfor heavily soiled garments you may need to use twice the recommended amountof detergent Use of soap in hard water Switch to a phosphatedetergent or followsix steps described above Washingtoo long may result in increased soil deposition Use shorter wash times for smaller loads Detergent dissolves too slowly Detergent must be present in ...

Page 25: ...fabric sofiener Never pour fabric softener directly on clothes always dilute before adding to rinse water Dilute sofiener before filling your Fabric Sofiener Dispenser See page 6 Also donotlift lid during spin This may cause improper dispensing resulting in stains To remove shins wash in Mini Basket tub using Spotscrubber Cycle See page 10 Ordampcn stained area and rub with undiluted liquid deterg...

Page 26: ...ty of detergent Accumulationof lime scale due to use of carbonate detergents If you must use a non phosphatedetergent avoidthe use of high carbonate builtdetergent Failure to use fabric softener Proper use will minimize wrinkling To remove wrinkles Retumble on Permanent Press setting Rerinse and dry on Permanent Press setting If unsuccessful retumble on high heat for 10 12 minutes and hang immedia...

Page 27: ...icatearticles Use Gentle GentleWash Spinspeed Referto Garment Manufacturers Care Labels Garmentsweakenedbyage sun or atmosphere This is inevitable and is not caused by washer Slowprocess by washingon Gentle Gentle Wash Spinsped Toolarge loads or too little water Load washer ordywith number of items that wfllmovefreely Select correct water level Use S otscmbber Cycle Seepage 10 Or pretreat with liq...

Page 28: Cycle a sharpdistinctivesoundwillbe heard soon r agitationbegins This is the soundof tie waterrwircdation system cuttingoffto keepthe concen ted detergentsolutionin the Mini Baskettib Heavilyunbalancedloadscan causethe washerto vibrateexcessivelyduring spin and maycauseitto movefrom itsoriginalposition In extremecases usuWyoccurswhen washinga single heavyitemor a smti loadwhen water levelis set...

Page 29: ...ed No toqls are needed simplygrasp agitator with both hands and pull straight up sharply The slottedsectionat fie top of the metal shafihas a light coating of lubricant to preventparts stickingtogether If this area appears to be dry apply a lightcoat of grease or petroleumjelly around the slotted section of the shaft beforereplacing the agitator Do not overgrease When replacing the agitator carefi...

Page 30: ... serviceis open 24hours a day7 daysa week You can have the secure feeling that GE Consumer Service wfilstill be there after your warranty expires Pur chase a GE contract while your war ranty is still in effect and you llreceive a substantial discount With a multiple year contract you re assured of future service at today sprices Telecommunication Device fortheDed Upon request GE will provideBmdle ...

Page 31: ...ible for providing adequate electrical plumbing and other connecting facilities This warranty is extendedto the original purchaserand any succeeding ownerfor products purchased for ordinary home use in the 48 mainland states Hawaii and Washington D C InAlaskathe warranty is the sameexceptthat it is LIMITED becauseyou must payto ship the product to the service shop or for the servicetechnician stra...
