MMF Cable, Heavy Duty Outdoor Use
Multi-mode fiber, 62.5/125 µ core/cladding, 850 nm infrared light
Four sub-cables with elastomeric jackets and aramid strength members, and armored outer jacket
Cable construction: flame retardant pressure extruded polyurethane. Armored with 0.155 mm (0.01 in) steel tape, wound
with 2 mm (0.08 in) overlap, and covered with polyethylene outer jacket, 1 to 1.5 mm (0.04 to 0.06 in) thick. Cable
diameter: 13 mm (0.51 in). Cable weight: 174 Kg/km
Optical Cable Corporation part number: RK920929-A-CST
MMF Cable, Indoor Use (Data Highways)
Multi-mode fiber, 62.5/125 µ core/cladding, 850 nm infrared light
Twin plastic jacketed cables (Zipcord) for indoor use
Cable construction: tight-buffered fibers surrounded by aramid strength members with a flexible flame retardant jacket.
Cable dimensions: 2.9 mm (0.11 in) diameter x 5.8 mm (0.23 in) width. Cable weight: 15 Kg/km
Corning Cable Systems part number: 002K58-31141–24
Third-party Communication Links
External communication links are available to interface with third-party plant controls or devices. This allows operators to
have access to real-time data, and provides for discrete and analog commands to be passed to the Mark VIe controller. The
Mark VIe control system can be linked to third-parties in several different ways:
OPC UA direct from the Mark VIe controller (UCSC)
OPC UA, DA, AE from the WorkstationST server
Serial or Ethernet Modbus
Slave link from the WorkstationST server
Ethernet Modbus Slave direct from the Mark VIe controller to the third-party device (Ethernet to serial converter device
may be used)
GSM from the WorkstationST server to the DCS.
GEDS Standard Messages (GSM) is a proprietary 100 mbps Ethernet link using TCP/IP. It supports turbine control
commands, Mark VIe control data and alarms, the alarm silence function, logical events, and contact input sequence of events
records with 1 ms resolution. Ethernet GSM has the advantage of tighter system integration.
When connecting to third-party devices, the security of the networks and the overall
network architecture need to be considered and engineered accordingly. Third-party
links are best connected through a firewall where one is available. Consideration must
be given to redundancy and availability of communication paths.
GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information