Discharge lamps
Even with all the advances which have been made in tungsten halogen technology in recent years there are
still occasions, particularly whilst working on location, when handling the number of fittings required to give
an acceptable illumination level can be a logistical headache.
One GE metal halide discharge lamp can provide more light than three tungsten halogen lamps of the same
rating. That means one third the power consumption and one third the number of fittings to transport and aim.
The potential for major cost savings is clear.
GE Lighting has led the way in adapting discharge lamps for use in the performing arts. The company was the
first and for many years the only manufacturer to offer metal halide lamps in the compact, single ended
capsule format. The minimal dimensions of these lamps can be incorporated into fittings which are much
smaller than corresponding luminaires using double ended lamps of the same power. With a near point light
source excellent optical control is possible.
Compact iodide lamps are also available in a sealed beam format. With the light source carefully positioned
in the reflector, optimum optical performance is guaranteed.
The nitrogen filling gas in the outer bulb prevents oxygen attacking the seal of the inner capsule and so
increases the life of the lamp dramatically.
All CID discharge studio and stage lamps are dimmable to 50% of peak lumens and the great majority are
available in hot re-strike versions for applications where frequent changes in lighting levels are required. All
lamps will re-strike within ten minutes of switch off.
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