Page 1: ... 12 13 Control Settings 11 Cooktop Comparison 10 GriddleAccessory 20 22 Grill Module 17 19 Module Cover 3 Modules and Accessories 3 Radiant Module 14 16 Range Problem solver 56 58 Thermostat Adjustment Do It Yourself 31 More questions call GEAnswer CenteP8 J0 626 2000 Care and Cleaning 4G45 CoilSurface Unit Module 40 Door Removal 44 GriddleAccessory 42 GrillModule 42 Radiant Module 41 Vent System ...
Page 2: ...ssories OwnershipRegistrationCardthatcamewithyour areavailableat extracostfromyourGE Appliance range Beforesendingin thiscard pleasewritethese dealer SeetheModulesandAccessories section numbershere ModelNumber SerialNumber Usethesenumbersin anycorrespondence or service callsconcerningyourrange IF YOUNEEDSERVICE Toobtainservice seetheConsumerServicespagein the backof thisguide We reproudofour servi...
Page 3: ...amaged Using ElectricSurfaceUnit Modules You must consider heat up and cool down times for the surface units when determining cooking times Heat up and cool down times depend on the initial temperature settings the type of cookware used and the amount of food being cooked Start cooking at a higher setting to heat the surface unit faster then turn to a lower setting to finish cooking Remember cooki...
Page 4: ...AC PLASH OF A RANG C LDREN CL B G ON THE RANGETO REACH ITEMS CO D BE SENOUSLY IN mD WAMING A1l ranges can tip and injury could result Topreventaccidentaltipping of E b d 4 the range fromabnormalusage attach it to the wall or floor by installingthe Anti Tipdevice supplied To checkif the device is A 4 installedand engagedproperly open the lower compartmentand inspect the device Make sure the stabili...
Page 5: ...the opening crevices aroundthe oven door the edgesof the door window and metal trim parts above the door Remember The inside surfaceof the oven may be hot when the door is opened When cookingpork follow the directions exactly and always cook the meat to an intemd temperatureof at least 170 F This assures that in the remote possibilitythat trichina maybe presentin the meat it will be killed and the...
Page 6: ...era To the poss tityofbins ignition offlammable materiak andspfiage e Me ofamntainershodd be ed towardtherenter oftherange withoutextendingover the nearby Stia tits Mways h thernodde mtrok off before remotig the mkw Du nottierse orsoaktheremovnble rnoddes ad da M notpmthem ina dishwasher Dono seE Ieanthemoddes intheovem 6 ...
Page 7: ... not in use Be carefulwhen placing spoons or other stirringutensils on glass cooktop surface when it is in use They may become hot and could cause burns Do not stand on the radiant glass cooktop The weightmay cause the top to bend SAW T SE S UCTIONS I L PWPAMTION Flooringunder the Range Levelingthe Range I Yourrange like many other household items is heavyand can settle into soft floor coveringssu...
Page 8: ... mS OFYOm MODW G uG Dm WGE Seetie ModulesandAwessoriessectionfor a listingof modulesavailable 111111 7 ...
Page 9: ...13 CoflSurfaceUnitModule 14 l Piee DripPa 15 fl Plug InSurfaw Units 16 Radiant Modde 17 RemovableDowndraftVentandGreaseFtiter 18 OvenControh Oven ON hdi tor bk Ught Appears duringseti clean me Doorkk htch mustbemovedto the lockedposition 19 Downti VentSpeedSwitch 20 OvenDoortitch Usefor self cleaningordy 21 OvenShelveswithStipkks 22 BrotiElement 23 EmbossedSheUSupports Shelfpositionsforcookingares...
Page 10: ...tinuecookingafterit isturnedoff Removethepanfromthesurfaceunitif youwantcookingto stop Pansmustbemadeofferrousmetals metalthatattractsa magnet Heatis producedby a magneticcircuitbetweenthecoilandthepan Heatsupright awayandchangesheatsettingsrightaway likea gascooktop Afterturningthe controloff theglasscooktopishotfromtheheatof thepan butcookingstops rightaway Heatsby directcontactwiththepan andbyh...
Page 11: ...bringwater to a boil Reduceheat settingafterwaterboils Medium High SettinghalfwaybetweenHI and MED Maintainsa fastboilon largeamountsof food m OFF MED Saut andbrown keepsfoodat a medium boilor simmer o gg Medium Low SettinghalfwaybetweenMEDand w LO Cookafter startingat HI cookswithlittlewater g in coveredDan f a LO Usedfor longslowcooking simmering to tenderizeanddevelopflavors Usethissettingto me...
Page 12: ...ethe module Thecoilsof the untilthemodulebaseclearsthecooktopopening modulewillretainheatafterthecontrolshavebeen 2 Holdthe moduleby thefrontedges Carefullypull turnedoff Becarefulnotto getburnedon a module thathasnothadsufficienttimeto coolafteruse themoduleforwarduntilthe moduleplugis disengagedfromthe receptacle Cookware Usemedium or heavy weightcookware Aluminum cookwareconductsheatfasterthano...
Page 13: ...ecool checkto makesuretheplug in is flat bottomedandfits overthecenterof thecoil unitsare securelypluggedin surfaceunitmodule Sincecanninggenerateslarge Q Why doesmy cookware tilt when I place it on amountsof steam be carefulto avoidbumsfrom the surface unit steamor heat Canningshouldonlybe doneon the surfaceunits A Becausethe surfaceunitis notflat Makesurethe Q CanI cover my drip pans with foil f...
Page 14: ...radiantmodulefeaturesheatingcoilsbeneatha Do notletpotsboildry Overheatedmetalcan smoothglassceramicsurface Thetwo surfaceunits bondto theglassmodule An overheatedcopperpot areshownby outlineson theglass willleavea residuethatwillpermanentlystain Whena surfaceunitis activated coilsbeneaththe the module unitradiateheatthroughthe glassto the cookware Slidingaluminumcookwareacrossthe glassmay Theredg...
Page 15: ...t recommended Poorperformance Mayscratchsurface Copper Bottom Goodperformance butcoppermayleaveresidues whichcan appearas scratches Theresiduescanbe removed as longasthe cooktopis cleaned immediately However do notlet thesepotsboildry Overheatedmetalcanbondto glasscooktops An overheatedcopperpot willleavea residuethat willpermanentlystainthe cooktop Porcelaidenamel Goodperformanceonlywitha thick f...
Page 16: ...sjellies fudge candysyrups Specialcareshouldbe takenwhenremovinghot or melted plasticscancausepittingof the surfaceof substances Followthe instructionsin theCareand yourmodule notcoveredby the warranty unlessthe Cleaningsectioncarefully spillisremovedwhilestillhot DeepFat Frying WokCooking Donot ovetilllcookwarewithfat thatmayspillover whenaddingfood Frostyfoodsbubblevigorously Watchfoodfryingat h...
Page 17: ...nutes thenturnbackto the recommendedsetting cNEVER LEAVE TC N w e gtihg meatsor otherjuicy foods Fatsandjuices drip onthehot elementandmaycauseflame ups Whengrihg youshodd alwaysbepresentto controlflame ups so tiey do notgetout of hand NEVERUSEWATERONA GREASEHRE Tocontrolflame ups setthe heatsettingat LO ratherthanOFF fi youhavea badflame up andthereis dangerof thefm spreading take the followingst...
Page 18: ...tartlargeror thickerpiecesfirst andaddquickercooking smallerpieceslater Pressthe meatlightlyto lie flatonthe grill Slashthefat on theedgesof steaksandchops to preventcurling Breakthejointsof split chickensso theywilllie flat Q My grilledmeatssometimescomeout drierthantheyshould WhatcanI do to helppreventthis A Seasonmeatsaftercookingratherthanbefore saltcandrawoutjuices anddryoutmeat Use tongsto t...
Page 19: ...I Halves HI H qers 3 4inch m Medium HI Well m Hmn Steaks 1 to 1 inch HI Hot Dogs HI mhohs Meat HI 17 20 5 7 per side perside 1O r side 5M0 total 7M0 toti 1s20 17 20 7 per side 9 per side lW1l perside 10 per side 7 9 total 2S30 1G15 10 per side 1S17 perside 6B0 toti cookingtimes 5 If yourrangeis connectedto 208volts these cookingtimesmayneedtobe extended Comments Marinate less tender beef before gr...
Page 20: ...rearofthegridde prevent temperaturesfromgettingtoohigh Using the Gtiddle Thenon stick d emti bepmonditionedbefore Do not overheatthe griddle having the griddle usingit forthefmt time Topreconditionfirstwash at for more than 10minutes without food can the gridde insoapandwateranddry Thenusea damage the non stickcoating papertowelto applya smallamountof cookingoilto Thefanwillautomaticallycomeonat l...
Page 21: ...otbe keptmorethan 15to 30 minutes entreesandcasserolesmaybe warmedfor 30to 60 minutes Horsd oeuvreswill stayhotfor servingup to 1 or 1 hours Rearrange orstirfoodsoccasionally if possible Q Canmy gridde be stitched to the otherside ofthefinge whereit wotid bemoreconvenient forme A N1 interchangeable modties canbe usedon either therightorleftsideof yourcooktop Simplylift outthe modules takingcarenot...
Page 22: ...disheswhen foodsin containersaretobe warmedonthegndde 6 If yourrangeis connectedto 208volts these cookingtimesmayneedto be extended Food Bacon 1lb Chow Por mh 1 4to 12inch G DLE COOmG GmE Suggested Setting CookTime HI 11 14 Eggs Fried MED 65 Scrambled m 2 3 F h Ftiets andSteaks 1 4to 1 inch m 17 24 FrenchToast m 3 perside HamandCanadian BaconStiees 1 4to lE inch I m I lo Hamburgers 3 4inch4 perlb ...
Page 23: ...ssjarsfor canning suchas Bdl andKerr andtheUnitedStatesDepartmentof AgricultureExtensionService 4 Rememberthatcanningis a processthatgenerates largeamountsof steam Toavoidburnsfrom steam or heat be carefulwhencanning NOTE If yourhousehaslowvoltage canningmay takelongerthanexpected eventhoughdirections havebeencarefullyfollowed The processtimewillbe shortenedby 1 usinga pressurecanner and 2 startin...
Page 24: ...he timer pressandholdtheTIMER ON 0 paduntilthe word TIMER disappears fromthe display 8 CLOCK Pressthispadbeforesettingtheclock Tosettheclock firstpresstheCLOCKpad Thenpressthe or padto changethetimeof day PresstheCLOCKpadto start 9 STOP TIME UsethispadalongwiththeCOOK T E or the CLEANpadto settheovento stop automaticallyat a timeyouselect 10 COOKTIME Pressthispadfor TimedBake operations 11 AUTOSEL...
Page 25: ...Cancelthe Timer If TIMER is displayed pressthe or pad Pressthe TIMERON OW paduntiltheword untilthe desiredtimeis reached TIMER disappearsfromthedisplay If TIMER is notdisplayed presstheTIMER ON 0 pad first thenfollowthe instructionsabove to setthe timer PowerOutige Aftera poweroutage whenpower is restored the displaywillflash andtimeshownwillno longerbe correct for exarnpIe aftera 5 minutepowerint...
Page 26: ...ingcookwareon a shelf pulltheshelfouttothebumponthe shelfsupport Placethecookware ontheshelf thenslidetheshelf backintotheoven Thiswill eliminate reachingintothehotoven Toremovea shelffromtheoven Bump pullit towardsyou tiltthefront endupwardandpullit out 7 Toreplace placethe shelfon the shelfsupportwiththe stop locks II curvedextensionof the shelo G 4 facingup towardtherearof the oven Tiltup the f...
Page 27: ...ilng is finished andthenremovethe foodfromthe oven Tochange the oventemperature during the BA cycle pressthe BA pad andthenthe or padto get the newtemperature OvenShelves kange the oven shelfor shelvesin thedesiredlocations whiletheovenis cool Thecorrect shelfposition dependson thekind offoodandthe browningdesired As a generalrule Typeof Food ShelfPosition hgel foodcake A Biscuitsor muffins Bor C ...
Page 28: ... Cookies Whenbakingcookies flat cookiesheets without sides producebetter lookingcookies Cookies bakedin ajelly rollpan shortsidesall around mayhavedarkeredges andpaleor light browningmayoccur Do notusea cookiesheetso largethatit touchesthe wallsor thedoorof theoven Neverentirelycovera shelfwitha largecookiesheet Forbestresults use onlyonecookiesheetin the oven at a time AluminumFoil Neverentirelyc...
Page 29: ...tedlengthof time At the endof theCookTime theovenwillturnoffautomatically n 1 Pressthe BAKEpad BAKE LJ A 2 Pressthe or paduntilthe desired temperatureis displayed n 3 Pressthe COOKTIMEpad Cf K LAJ 4 Pressthe or paduntilthedesiredlengthof bakingtimeis displayed Theovenwillstartautomatically Theword ON and 100 willbe displayed TheCookTimewill beginto countdown As theovenheatsup the displaywillshowth...
Page 30: ... addingtheCookTimeto the timeof day In this example thetimeof dayis 2 00andthe Cook Timeis 3 hours Adding3 hoursto thetimeof day equals5 00 A 6 ChangeStopTimefrom5 00to 7 00 by pressingthe paduntil 7 00 and StopTimeappearin thedisplay The words DELAYTIMEDBAW appear in thedisplay At4 00 theovenwillturnonautomatically The word ON and 100 willbedisplayed TheCook Timewillbegintocountdown Astheovenheat...
Page 31: ...osefoundin grocerystores to checkthetemperaturesettingof yournewoven Thesethermometersmayvary2M0 degrees ToAdjusttheThermostat n 1 Pressthe BA pad BAKE lAJ 2 Selectan oventemperaturebetween500 F and550 F 3 Immediately before ON appears pressand holdthe BA padfor about4 seconds Thetime displaywillchangeto the ovenadjustmentdisplay 4 Theoventemperaturecanbe adjustedup to 35 F hotteror 35 F cooler Us...
Page 32: ...e hot ovenandthereforeshouldbe removedwhenthe desiredinternaltemperaturehasbeenreached 1 Placethe shelfin A or B position No preheating is necessary 2 Checkthe weightof the meat Placeit fat sideup e Ill orfor poultry breast side up on a roasting y Jllc 0 gridii a shallowpan The meltingfat willbastethe meat Selecta pan as closeto the sizeof themeatas possible Thebroilerpanwithgridis a goodpanforthi...
Page 33: ...Unthawed oult oftendoesnotcookeve ly poundadditionaltime 10minutesper poundfor Somecommercialfrozenpoultrycanbe cooked roastsunder5 pounds moretimefor largerroasts successfullywithoutthawing Followthedirections givenonthepackagelabel Oven Approximate Roasting Time Internal Type Temperature Doneness inMinutesperPound Temperature F Meat 3to 5lbs 6to8lbs Tendercuts rib highquality 325 Rare 2633 18 22...
Page 34: ...l Youcanuse durninumfoilto lineyourbroilerpan andbrofiergrid However you mustmoldthe fofl tightlyto the gridandcutslitsin itjust likethe grid Withoutthesli thefotiwdl preventfatandmwt juicesfromdrainingto thebroilerpan Thejuices cotid becomehotenoughto wtch on fire If youdo not cuttheslits youarefrying notbroiling Questionsandhswem Q Do I need togreasemybroilergridto prevent Q Whyaremymeatinotturn...
Page 35: ...icken 5 Steaks lessthan1inchthickcook 6 through before browning Panfrying 11 is recommended 1inchthick 1 to 1 lbs l 15 I Brusheachsidewithmelted butter 1whole 2 to 2 lbs splitlengthwise Piems B c Broilskin side down first BakeryProducts Breadcoast or English MuffIns 1 2 Donot turnover Spaceevenly PlaceEnglishmuffins cut side up andbrushwithbutter if desired Cutthroughbackof shell Spread open Brush...
Page 36: ...tcleanofftheexcessgrease Ov ight Ov Area inside Area outside gasket gasket 3 Cleanspattersor spillson the ovenfrontframe and theovendooroutsidethegasketwitha dampenedcloth Theovenfrontframeandthe ovendooroutsidethe gasketdo not getcleanedby the self cleancycle On theseareasusedetergent andhotwateror a soap filledsteelwoolpad Rinse wellwitha vinegarandwatersolution Thiswill helppreventa brownresidu...
Page 37: ...thelatchhandle to theleftas far asit willgo andopenthedoor Theword door willbe displayed the word LOCK willflashandtheovencontrolwill signalif youset thecleancycleor forgetto closetheovendoor After a CleanCycle Aftercleaningis complete thedoorlatchmustbe If white spots remain removethemwitha soap retumedto its originalpositionbeforeyoucanusethe filledsteelwoolpad Be sureto rinsethoroughly oven The...
Page 38: ...O SELF CLEAN A 4 Pressthe or padto enterthe CleanTime u n5 Pressthe STOP E pad STOP s E andthe earliestStopTimeyou can setwillappearin the display TheearliestStopTimewillbe theCleanTime selectedplusthetimeof day For example If the CleanTimeis 3 hoursandthetimeof day is 6 00 the StopTimethatappearsin the displaywillbe 9 00 A 6 Pressthe padto changetheStopTime to a latertimeof dayif desired For exam...
Page 39: ... any odor during the cleaning A Yes therewillbe an odorduringthefirstfew cleanings Failureto wipeout excessivesoilmight dso causea strongodorwhencleaning Q Whatcausesthehair likelineson theenameled surfaceofmyoven A This is a normalcondition resultingfromheating andcoolingduringcleaning Theselinesdo not affecthowyourovenperforms Q Whydo I haveash leftinmyovenaftercleaning A Sometypesof soilwilllea...
Page 40: ...unitplugterrninds Do not attemptto clean adjustor in anyway repair theplug inreceptaclesorthe module Toremovea surfaceunit Toremovethedrippansfor cleaning thesurfaceunits mustbe removedfirst SutiaM UnR Receptacle DripPan Liftthe surfaceunitabout1 inchabovethedrippan andpullit out Do notlift thesurfaceunitmorethan1 inch If you do it maynotlieflatonthe drippanwhenyou plugit backin Repeatedlitig ofth...
Page 41: ...eto removethesemarkings Failureto removethese residuesimmediatelymayleavepermanentmarks Waterstains rninerddeposits areremovable using CookTopCleaning Cremeorml strength whitevinegar SpecialCare Sugaryspillovers suchasjellies fudge candy syrups or melted plastics cancausepittingofthe surfaceof yourmodule notcoveredby thewarranty unlessthe spillisremovedwhilestillhot Special care should be takenwhe...
Page 42: ...omtimeto time reconditionthe gridde withcookingoil as describedin the Gridde Accessorysectionof SurfaceCooking It is a goodideato storethe gridde on oneedge If youlayit flat pansor othercookwaremaybe puton topandscratchthe non stickcoating OvenHeatingElements Do not cleanthebakeelementor thebroilelement Anysoilwillburnoffwhenthe elementsareheated Thebakeelementcanbe liftedgentlyto cleanthe ovenflo...
Page 43: ...f supportswithcookingoil afterself cleaningto make the shelvesslidemoreeasily BroilerPan and Grid Afterbroiling removethe broilerpanfromtheoven Removethe gridfromthe pan Carefullypourout greasefromthepanintoa propercontainer Washand rinsethebroilerpanandgridin hot waterwitha soap filledor plasticscouringpad If foodhasburnedon sprinklethe gridwith Boththe broilerpan andgridcandso be cleanedin deter...
Page 44: ...nchyourhands Thedoorcontainstemperedglass If the glass is scratched chipped twistedor impactedit maybreaksuddenly If the doorglass appearsdamagedit shodd be replaced immediately TOCLEANTHEDOOR Insideof thedoor Becausetheareainsidethe gasketis cleanedduring the selfcleancycle youdo notneedto cleanthisby hand Anysoaplefton the linercausesadditional stainswhenthe ovenisheated Theareaoutsidethe gasket...
Page 45: ...nob pullit straight offthecontrolshaft Washtheknobsin soapandwaterbut do notsoak Drytheknobsas muchas possiblewith a cleancloth Shakethewateroutof theknobstem Toreplacethe knob pressit onthe shaftmaking sureto matchthe flatareaontheknobto theflat area onthe shaft Painted Sutiaces GlassSuflaces Paintedsurfacesincludethe sidesanddrawerfront Tocleanthe outsideof theovendoor use a glass Cleanthesewith...
Page 46: ...houldbe placedon an ovenrackor on top Anti fip Bracket Location Wth Cabinets of therangeto lev ltheunit Verifythatthe leveling 11 11 legs are extended at least 1 4 and are engaged with the anti tip bracket Installingtheunitwithoutcabinets Position the range as it would be installed Draw a reference line on the floor from front to back along one side of the range Place the inside edge of the bracke...
Page 47: ... provided does not meet the above spectications it is recommended that a ticensed electrician insti an approved outiet Because the range terminals are not accessible after the range is in position a flexibleservice conduit or cord must be used Step 1 CHOOSE M lNSTMMT OHLOUTIOW Choose a ltim based on the foU H 1 The range is designed to be vented outdoors 2 The electrid rating is 14 7 120 240V 60 W...
Page 48: ... Conditiom Irr_ Ubinet and Countertop Hei ts Countertopssuch as ceramic tie tops wi cause the binet and countertop to be higher than 36 Fo owthese instructions when the countertop is higher than 36 1 Raisethe levekg legs to the mtium level 2 Measure from the floorto the side trim E the measurement is less than the height of the countertop the floor must be shimmed 3 Shim the floor using a piece of...
Page 49: ...Duct the range outside 5 Hexible duct elbowsare equalto Mm as manY feetassmoothmeti elbows 6 Neverins twoelbow fittingsnW toeach other Twoelbowsinstied togetherti create apoorventpathandinsticient ventilation 7 d d ductjointstigh using duct tape Openingsleftin ductig d dow smoke and odor to e pe insidethe house S Toensureproperventition the ductwork must not exceed 60equivalentfeet 9 For best perf...
Page 50: ...wfittings aspossible Forsatisfactory performance theductrunshodd notexceed60 feet qtient len Venting performanceisimprovedbyusing largerdiameterducL EquivalentNumber Equivalent uct Pieces Length x Used Length 5 round to 35 x 10 transition Q 90 elbow 37 fi x R 6 round to 3 x lo transition 90 elbow 2ofi x ft a 3 x 1o to 6 round transition 5fi x ft 3 x 1o to 6 round transition 90 elbow 12 fi x ft m T...
Page 51: ... g using connectorswhicharedesignedcertifiedby UnderwritersLaboratories andrecomd for joiningcopperto aluminum FOUOW the connector manufactured recommendedprocedure 3 The wireused locationandenclosureof spficesmustconformto lod codes Reqtiements for Power Cords N Onlyapowercordsuitableforuse with rangesmaybe used For instigation in a mobfle home or area where local codes do not permit grounding ti...
Page 52: ...40or208voltsbothsides brassterminal 1 Remove the rearwirecover 2 Placethe strainrefief wingedclamp h the cordaccessholebelowtheterminalblock Place tie wingsthroughthe hole enteringfromthe bottom The screwholesinthe clampshouldbe belowthe mountingpanel 3 Removethe groundingstrapa ched tothe centerterminalontheterminalblockThestrapis notneededforthisinitiation Nso removethe greengroundscrewandretain...
Page 53: ...ctions should be inspected before poweris turned on to make certain that they are tight Step 8 INSTWL THESIDE TRIM optional Udesired the optionalside trim provided can be kstiled on the range The side trim must be instiled above countertop level and tapped down into place The side trim can be mounted in several different positions depending on the countertop opening cabinet structure and range fea...
Page 54: ...hsti the storagedrawer Fii Duct Connection tiou the moor e 1 Attachthe rubbergasket aroundthe edge ofthe transitionpiece me flatside ofthe rubbergasket should be on the underside ofthe transitionpiece 2 Placethe roundendtransitionpieceintothe floor Securethe transitionpieceusingthe 8 screwsprovidedintie kit YoumustM the edge ofthe rubbergaskettoinstallthe screws Make surethe roundedgeofthe gasketi...
Page 55: ...xible plastic ducting should not be used E flexiblemeti ducting is used each bend should be counted as two meti duct elbows Aflexible meti duct must be cddated as twice the length ofstraight 6 meti duct 5 Doesthe ske ofthe ductig change M ductingshouldbe the samesk 6 Isthe ductingclearofd foreignmatter Clearentireducting Foreignmatterinducting W restrictairflow 7 Hasapieceofductingcollapsed Replac...
Page 56: ...veniightis broke forservice me ovenis not setatBRO Thedoorwas notshutas reeo ended bproper she positionbeingd Seethe BroflingGuide Foodisbeinginked on hot kware is not suitedfor brofiin broflpangrid b notbeenfittedproperly me ovenisnot setatB SheM positionis incorrect Seethe Roastingor Bakingsections Theovenshelfnot leveL Inmrrectcookwareorcookwareof impropersti isbeing A fofitentwas notusedwhenne...
Page 57: ...hes ofthe cooMop Userecommendedcleaningprocedur be sw coobare bottomsandcoohare are cleanbeforeuse and cookare with smoothbottoms Tinysratches are notremovablebut ti becomelessvisl le in timeas a redt of cleantig DWdty maybe inthe maindistributionprmelof yourhousecawd by a blowncircuit a trippedcirtit br r the main or the circuit br ending on natureof thepowersupply If a cirmit Mer is involv reset...
Page 58: ... Heatsetig is toohi O g of gridde has damagedby useof sharptients or abrasivedeanse A_ tied greaseon pte is using exeesssmoke F nottrimmedfiornmess priorto eootig Thisis no b a newovenandWI diwppearin time Tospeedthepr ss seta seif l de fora minimumof 3 hem Seethe Opera g the SeIf eaning Ovense ion An odorfromthe Hation around insideof h ovenis noti fur the firstfewtirnesthe ovenisti is temporary ...
Page 59: ...thimpairedhearingorspeechwhohave BraillecontrolsforavarietyofGE accessto aTDDoraconventional teletypewriter may appliances and abrochureto cdl 80 TDBGEAC 800 3W322 torequest assistinplanningabarrier free informationor setice kitchenforpersonswithlimited mobfiity Toobtaintheseitems freeofcharge cdl 800 626 2000 SemisCon a 8aM2 2224 You can have the secure feeling that GEConsumer Servicewillstillbe ...
Page 60: ...product contactyourdealeror installer ReadyourUseandCarematerial Youare responsiblefor providing Ifyouthen haveanyquestions adequate electri gas exhausting aboutoperatingthe productplease andotherconnectingfacilitiesas contactyourdealeror our described intheInstallation Instructions ConsumerAffairsofficeat the providedwiththe product addressbelow or call tollfree Replacement of housefusesor GEAnsw...