GE JHP98G User Manual Download Page 33

Summary of Contents for JHP98G

Page 1: ...BE WR oR ANCE fromyour ICROWAVE SAVE ENERGY See energy saving tips on page 5 SAVE THME AND MONEY RANGE INSTRUCTIONS r FOR FUTURE REFERENC 49 43s ...

Page 2: ...e with your range Before sending in this card please record the numbers in the space below or get them from nameplatede scribedabove and record here ModelNumber L___Jll Serial Number Pleasereferenceboth these numbers in any future correspondenceor product service calls concern ing your range I IMPORTANT Before using your new glass cooktop see care and cleaning instructions page14 I When you get yo...

Page 3: ...ceramic ceramic earthenware or other glazed utensils are suitable for range top service without breaking due to the sudden change in temperature To minimize burns ignition of flammable materials and spillage due to unin tentional contact with the utensil the handle of a utensil should be positioned so that it is turned inward and does not extend over adjacent surface units When flaming foods under...

Page 4: ... technician immediately Clean cookto with caution If a wet sponge or cloth is used to wipe spills on a hot cooking area be careful to avoid ste m burn Some cleansers can produce noxious fumes if applied to a hot surface Self C14zdzgoven Do not clean door gasket The door gasket is essential for a good seal Care should be taken not to rub damage or move the gasket Do not use cleaners No commercial o...

Page 5: ...tions the container couldcatchfire IL Use metal onlyas directedin cookbook Metal stripsasusedonmeatroasts arehelp ful in cookingfood whenusedas directed Metaltraysmay be usedfor TV dinners However whenusing metal inthemicrowave oven keep metal at least l inch awayfrom sidesof microwave oven 12 Do not operatethe ovenwhile emptyto avoiddamageto the ovenand the dangerof fire If byaccident theovenshou...

Page 6: ...o OFF positionto completethe cooking cess spillagebefore self cleaningoperation 5 Cook completeoven mealsinsteadof just one 5 Alwaysturncookingareacontrol knobtoOFF food item Potatoes othervegetables andsome beforeremovingutensil dessertswill cook togetherwith a main dish 6 Jsecorrect heatfor each cooking task high casserole meat loaf chicken or roast Choose heats to start cooking if time allows d...

Page 7: ...enumbers are Iomtedby openingconven tionalovendoorand ookingon frameaboveopening Spacesareprovided on page1 for each customer to recordthemodelandserialnumberof bisor herownmicrowave cookingcenter for futurereference This appliancemustbe registered please be certainthat it is TttI TO a130 NO1 ATTEMPT cooperatethisovenwiththedooropensince open door operation canresultinharmful exposure tomicrowave ...

Page 8: ...r Safe Use 6 Multi PowerLevels 9 Operating Instructions Foods CookedBy TIME J 10 Safety Tips To FollowWhile Microwaving 4 UsingTheTemperatureProbe 11 12 Common Sense Rules 19 Controls Indicator Light CookingAreas 17 20 CookingChartand Information 21 22 Home Canning Tips 20 Safety ChecklistWhile Frying 20 Utensil Tips 19 Automatic OvenCleaning 30 31 Baking 26 Broiling Broiling Chart 27 28 HowTo Use...

Page 9: ...operations 17 MODELandSERiALNUMBERS iocated at rightsideof iowerovenframe 18 OVENSET CLEAN Knob 19 OVENTEMP C LEAN Knob 20 OvenCyclinglight 21 Automatic OvenTimer lliock MinuteT mer 22 OvenTim r CLEAN Diai RElEASE8UTTON 25 Seff4XaaningOve nCfean light 26 IOCi Light 27 SheffSupport 28 OvenFrame 29 Handfes for RaisingWindowShieid 30 DoorGasket 31 Windowandh etai hieid 32 DoorLiner 33 BroiierPanandRa...

Page 10: ...oking custard type vegetable casseroles whole head of cauliflower omelets commerciallyfrozensouffles somecookies finishcookingfudge bread puddingand other dessert custards drying homemade noodles and roasting some meats with automatic temperature control including Carefree Roasting M W 13EFR0ST Usefor most defrosting Also dried beans and peas pot roasting even poaching eggs are possible at this se...

Page 11: ... INSTRUCTIONS PAGE 11 e Time Control l to l minutes for cof fee DigitaI timer goes up to 59 minutes and 59 seconds Wheel at left of timer sets incre ments of 10 minutes knob at right of timer sets minutesand seconds To set minute knob grasp knob and push in Turinto desired time setting Timer can be reset during cookingif needed PM TMV button When oven is cooking interior light comeson a fan starts...

Page 12: ...9 In generalinsertprobe sensorend into centermostpart of food positioningas directedin recipe Insert at least l inch intothe food Place foodwith probe into oven o Insert cable end into receptacle on oven walluntil seated BE SURE PROBE IS ATTACHED SE CURELY TO OVEN RECEPTACLE If probe is not attached securely the oven will not turn on when Start button is pressed as a reminder to securecableend of ...

Page 13: ...n has already reached or ex ceededdesiredfinishedtemperature no further heating needed W i h START butt reset Internal temperature is reached interiorlightand fanshut Qffand the ovenautomaticallyturns off Remove cable end of probe from receptacle then remove food and temperature probe together So that you can pkm an approximateservingtime recipesfor usingtemperature probegiveboth temperature to se...

Page 14: ...larappetizer Aninternal temperature of 90 130 depending on theingredients isjustrighttoserveguests a 1 2 Stewing simmering andcandymaking thistypeofcooking involves bringing foodtoaboil ingor simmering temperature andholdingit at thattemperature fora longperiodof time Werecommend LOWPOWERandTIMEsettings on yourmicrowave ovenfor moststew ing Seespecific recipesuggestions pagesinspecialMEDIUMandLOWP...

Page 15: ...ith Cleaner Conditioner CatalogNo WB64X5004 A sampleof thisproductispackedwithyour new unit To use applya smallamount teaspoonor moreasneeded directlyto the center of eachunit Cleanwitha damppapertowel Wipeoffwithanothercleandamppaper towel then wipe dry Cleaner Conditioner leavesa protectivecoatingof siliconeon the smoothsurfacewhichmakesspilloversand burnedon foods easierto remove se Cleaner Con...

Page 16: ...trees pot pies popcorn etc alsofoil wrappingsfor foods such as sandwiches can melton glasscooktopcausingperma nent damage It is the owner sresponsibility to avoidthisoccurrence Yourwarrantydoesnotcover damageto the cooktopcausedby the use of aluminumfoil containersor wrappings on the cooktop 1 28 3 4 5 6 Beforeusingcooktop makesurebottom of cookwareand cookingareaarecleanand dry Selectheatsettings...

Page 17: be sure to wipe cooktop before using IJse only cleaning materials recommended in this manual Do not slide racks or other sharp metal objects acro5 s crmktop Select correct heat setting and large enough cookware to eliminate boilovers and spattering Watch sugar syrup carefully to avoid boilover Daily use of L 2aner Conditioner app ied with a clean damp paper towel will help to keep the lass cera...

Page 18: ...e to desired heat setting Control knob must be pushed in to set only from OFF position When control is in any position other than OFF it may be rotated without pushing in when rotated to OFF control knob pops out At HIGHposition thereisa slightnichesocontrol clicks at thisposition click on HIGH marksthehighest setting thelowestsetting is between thewordsLOWandC I F In a quiet kitchen youmayhear sl...

Page 19: ...izes and other hints to keep cleaning to a minimum 3 Switching heats to higher settings always shows a qtiicker change than switching to lower settings I I 1 For crisp well browned exterior cook food in utensil without a cover See Cooking Chart for suggested settings for best browning with a minimum of spattering andsmoking Experi encewillindicate whichsettings arebestforthefoodbeingcookedinyourut...

Page 20: ...y theuser Thiscondition couldresultin serious burnsor clothing ignition accidents Useheatsettings no higherthanMED or followmanufacturer s directions whenusing utensils madeof the following materials castiron glassceramic pyroceram andstain lesssteel Also enamelware whichundercertainconditions couldmeltandfuseto the cookingpanelwhenhigherheatsare used Manufacturers of glasscookingutensils also rec...

Page 21: ... of large water quantities begin with hot tap water When canning use recipes from reputable sources Reliable recipes are available from the manufacturer of your canner manufacturers of glass jars for canning such as Ball and Kerr and the United States Department of Agriculture Extension Service 6 Remember in following the recipes canning is a process that generates large amounts of steam Be carefu...

Page 22: ...and bring to steaming polrrt Switch to MED Hl Melt butter Add eggs Switch to HI Quickly bring water to steaming point Switch to MED Hi To heatbutter until lightgoldencolor Leaveat MED HI or switchto LOW then stir in cereal Finish accordingto package directions OFF Cook 3 4 min for soft eggs about 15 min for hard cooked OFF When bottoms are just set turn eggs over easy and cook other side OFF Caref...

Page 23: water into pan Add saiiandfrozen block s of vegetables Cover bring tosteaming point Sw tchto IMEDor MED HI Cook ttirni6ti occasionallyto deslr d doneness J LOW so water boils slowly Cook until fork tender 01 Allow about 10 15 min to melt through Stir to smooth MED LO Cookpancakes 1 2 min each s de Allow slightly longer for thick batter MED Hl Cook uncovered until tender LOW ttkgin timing food a...

Page 24: ... foodswill cook satis factorilywithoutpreheating If you findpreheat ing is necessary keep an eye on the indicator light and put food in the oven promptly after light goes out IMPORTANT The OVEN TEMP control has a blue pointerthat is used only for CLEAN For normalcooking line up the desired temperature markedon the outer edge of the control knob with the indexmarkerlocatedimmediatelyabove the contr...

Page 25: ...e correct time After settingthe clock let the knob out and turn the Minute Timer pointer to OFF TIMER TO SET THE MINUTE TIMER turn the center knob clockwise without pushing in until pointer reachesnumber of minutesyou wish to time up to 60 Automatic Owen Timer The automatic ovencontrols aredesigned for thehomemaker whocan tbetieddown tobeing in thekitchen or at homeat specific timesto turnan oveno...

Page 26: ...E BAKE b TurnOVEN TEMP to proper tempma ture for food to be cooked Place food in oven close the door and automatically the oven will be turned on and ofi at the times you have set i TO SET THE OVEN TO START IMME DIATELY A D TO TURN OFF AUTO MATICALLY AT A LATER TIME follow only A2 and A3 above G When food is removedfrom oventurnOVEN SET to OFF OVEN INDICATORLIGHTS at TIME BAKE setting work differe...

Page 27: ...eness at minimum time on recipe Cook longer if necessary Remove foods and switch off heat When cooking food for first time in this oven use times on recipes as a guide Be certain foods are done before remov ing from oven See Baking Before You Call for Product Service 4 Preheat the oven only when necessary Most foods will cook satisfactorily without preheating If you find preheating is necessary ke...

Page 28: ...and timesare given to TAIN to cut openingsin foil to corre gether use firsttimesgiven for thinnest spend with rack so fat drips into pan food below See note below before marinating 7 Turnovenoff servefoodimmediately and usingbarbecuesauce leavepanoutsideovento coolduringmeal 3 Letterson ovenwall and chartbelow for easiestcleaning indicate where to positionshelf for best Cookingtimesgivenareapproxi...

Page 29: ...ur Oven for positioning shelves 2 Seenoteon roastingchart abouttenderedbeef c c c c D 8 10 1 20 25 4 5 4 5 9 11 4 7 8 10 4 6 42 3 Brusheachsidewith fat Broil skin side downfirst Forall weightsof chicken BROILWITHDOOR CLOSED For any weight over 2 Ibs cook first side 5 minutes longerthan time given on chart 4 Cut lobster lengthwise through hard back with sharp knife breakopen and brush with melted o...

Page 30: ...ost frozen poultry before roastingto ensureeven doneness Some commercial frozen poultrycan becooked successfullywithoutthaw ing Foilow directions givenon packer s label s ss sss se l BEEF2 Standing Rib Rare Medium Well Done RolledRib 3 5 Ibs 6 8 lbs 1 24 30 min 18 22 min 30 35 min 22 26 min 35 45 min 28 33 min Add 5 10 min pound to times given for standing rib roasts 130 140 150 160 170 185 PORK f...

Page 31: ...LF CLEANING OVEN 3 On models so equipped be sure rotisserie receptacle is closed e 4 Be sure oven Hightis o e 5 Raise the windowshield by lifting handles to fully raised position o Shield must be up so door can be latched for ovento operate A CLOSE OVEN DOOR TURN OVEN SET KNOB TO CLEAN TURN OVEN TEMP KNOB TO THE RIGHT CLOCKWISE PAST BROIL SETTING TO CLEAN THE POINTER ON THE OVEN TEMI CONTROL SHOUL...

Page 32: ...angeclockreads7 00 set pointeron CLEAN dial at 8 30for a moderately soiled oven OVEN CLEANING LIGHT will glow when all steps have been set up properly When the LOCK LIGHT and fan first comeson this indicatesthat the oven is hot and the door will soon be LOCKED The light will stay on during cleaningtime and until ovenheat decreasesin temperature again Seemore information under When Lock Light GZOWS...

Page 33: ...shelf supports after self cleaning To reduce this condition dampen fingertipswithsmallamountof cooking oil Rub lightly over right and left sides of shelves where they contact shelf supports We a light applicationof oil so it does n trun down and soil oven walls If you prefer NOT to clean Self Cleaningoven shelves automatically DO NOT use any abra sive materials for cleaning such as scouring powder...

Page 34: ...r oughly following instructions on can Do not use Delete Cleanser on the painted surfaces of the oven such as the walls It will scratch the paint Delete Cleanser may be purchased from your local GE dealer or from your GE Authorized Service Center checkthe yellow pages for location and phonenumber Delete Cleanser may also be sold at local grocery or hardware stores or at housewares department of so...

Page 35: ...ease oven temperature djust toward RAISE to decrease temperature acljusttoward LOWER Each notch changesoven temperature 10 degrees Oven temperature can be raised by 20 degreesor loweredby 30 degrees See sketch below To adjust follow directions under the sketch MICROWAVE CCIOKING CENTER CARE AND CLEANING 1 Remove knob and hold so pointer ISat top at knob Using a pot holder or similarmaterial hold s...


Page 37: ...mpletedetails For hand cleaning any and all mentionedmaterials can be used Rinse thoroughly to removeall mater ials after cleaning CXI not iet iied panand rfiikjzind ipiven h cool Drain fat ciglpan n d iacti l igtitlj S rinkle cmde terg6r t fill pan wjth warm water Sp ad clcith or papertowelover rack let statid a fdw min Wash scouringif ne essary Rin e andc O wb h i n d h a h pr Heating unitsi doh...

Page 38: ... certain the dooris securelyclosed and the timer set If a dish touchesthe door when the door seemsclosed it actually may not be firmlyclosed Unless the dooris closed to engagethe safety interlocks the microwaveenergycannot comeinto the oven Checkto be certain that TIME TEMP switch is pushed all the way right or left An in between setting should be avoided IF ENERGYGOESOFFBEH3RESETTIMEHAS ELAPSED C...

Page 39: ... not ad anced for long enough time c A thick pile of pilloverwhencleanedleavesa heavylayer of ash in spots whichcould haveinsulatedthe area from furtherheat See page27concerningash d Both OVEN SET and OVEN TEMP must be at CLEAN setting SMOKING Cooking utensils and excessive amounts of spillovers and liquid grease not baked on were not removed before starting SELF CLEANING OVEN WhenYk iyjegftheKikv...
